作者: I枫林渡 | 来源:发表于2018-02-25 23:24 被阅读0次

49 February 25

      I started with a new earphone today,which cost me more than 300 yuan.This is my first headset.When I got home ,I couldn't wait to take its packing box apart,and began to make preparations for burning it.I did a few things as follows

1.Ask  the customer service the correct way to burning it.But customer service was so unprofessional and unreliable that he gave me an ambiguous answer.

2.So I went to the Zhihu,a well-known website designed to get comparatively professional answers, to search for the answer.The answers to the question was quite varied.Some people said it's  unnecessary to do so while others gave the completely opposite answer.

3.Finally I went to the Netease cloud music where I searched the list of songs associated with the related tutorial of burning a new headset,only to find that the lossless audio sound can only be downloaded by members so I spent 8 yuan,becoming a member.

4.I'll officially do the burning tomorrow.

      Sometimes there is no right or wrong when we are making a choice,which lies only in which values we agree with.And don't need to care about the gains and losses.



