

作者: Sommouns | 来源:发表于2019-04-16 20:24 被阅读0次

主要参考 You Don‘t JS


// ajax(..) is some arbitrary Ajax function given by a library
var data = ajax( "http://some.url.1" );
console.log( data );
// Oops! `data` generally won't have the Ajax results


// ajax(..) is some arbitrary Ajax function given by a library
ajax( "http://some.url.1", function myCallbackFunction(data){
  console.log( data ); // Yay, I gots me some `data`!
} );

Warning: You may have heard that it's possible to make synchronous Ajax requests. While that's technically true, youshould never, ever do it, under any circumstances, because it locks the browser UI (buttons, menus, scrolling, etc.) andprevents any user interaction whatsoever. This is a terrible idea, and should always be avoided.


Async Console

var a = {
  index: 1
// later
console.log( a ); // ??
// even later

我的理解是 不是。console是并不是一个js官方提供的对象,各个浏览器都有自己提供的实现方案(包括node)。这段代码,是一种比较少见的情况,因为Chrome的Console是要在控制台打开才生效的。


Event Loop

// `eventLoop` is an array that acts as a queue (first-in, first-out)
var eventLoop = [];
var event;

// keep going "forever"
while (true) {
    // perform a "tick"
    if (eventLoop.length > 0) {
        // get the next event in the queue
        event = eventLoop.shift();
        // now, execute the next event
        try {
        catch (err) {

队列是先进先出,这也就解释了为什么setTimeout(func fn, 0)会最后执行了。

Parallel Threading

var a = 20;
function foo() {
  a = a + 1;
function bar() {
  a = a * 2;
// ajax(..) is some arbitrary Ajax function given by a library
ajax( "http://some.url.1", foo );
ajax( "http://some.url.2", bar );


async is about the gap between now and later. But parallel is about things being able to occur simultaneously.

  • Thread 1 ( X and Y are temporary memory locations):
a. load value of `a` in `X`
b. store `1` in `Y`
c. add `X` and `Y`, store result in `X`
d. store value of `X` in `a`
  • Thread 2 ( X and Y are temporary memory locations):
a. load value of `a` in `X`
b. store `2` in `Y`
c. multiply `X` and `Y`, store result in `X`
d. store value of `X` in `a


1a (load value of `a` in `X` ==> `20`)
2a (load value of `a` in `X` ==> `20`)
1b (store `1` in `Y` ==> `1`)
2b (store `2` in `Y` ==> `2`)
1c (add `X` and `Y`, store result in `X` ==> `22`)
1d (store value of `X` in `a` ==> `22`)
2c (multiply `X` and `Y`, store result in `X` ==> `44`)
2d (store value of `X` in `a` ==> `44`)


1a (load value of `a` in `X` ==> `20`)
2a (load value of `a` in `X` ==> `20`)
2b (store `2` in `Y` ==> `2`)
1b (store `1` in `Y` ==> `1`)
2c (multiply `X` and `Y`, store result in `X` ==> `20`)
1c (add `X` and `Y`, store result in `X` ==> `21`)
1d (store value of `X` in `a` ==> `21`)
2d (store value of `X` in `a` ==> `21`)


Job Queue



A JavaScript program is (practically) always broken up into two or more chunks, where the first chunk runs now and the next chunk runs later, in response to an event. Even though the program is executed chunk-by-chunk, all of them share the same access to the program scope and state, so each modification to state is made on top of the previous state.

Whenever there are events to run, the event loop runs until the queue is empty. Each iteration of the event loop is a "tick."User interaction, IO, and timers enqueue events on the event queue.

At any given moment, only one event can be processed from the queue at a time. While an event is executing, it can directly or indirectly cause one or more subsequent events.

Concurrency is when two or more chains of events interleave over time, such that from a high-level perspective, they appear to be running simultaneously (even though at any given moment only one event is being processed).

It's often necessary to do some form of interaction coordination between these concurrent "processes" (as distinct from operating system processes), for instance to ensure ordering or to prevent "race conditions." These "processes" can alsocooperate by breaking themselves into smaller chunks and to allow other "process" interleaving.


  • Async学习(一)

    主要参考 You Don‘t JS 引言 ajax请求通常无法马上返回,此时data中没有任何数据 Warning...

  • (3)使用 async 控制并发

    知识点 学习 async(https://github.com/caolan/async ) 的使用。这里有个详细...

  • async源码学习(一):waterfall


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  • 2017-11-28

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