
作者: Sarah_9e8e | 来源:发表于2018-03-28 07:29 被阅读0次

Yesterday, i decided to write essay at the second day after i learning liulishuo.First i could sleep earily and also can have pressure on me putting me to get up early.

    Yesterday,i have made small progresss.I  know somthing about body,its interesting.Let me show you.Look at the graph of the body,We can see this nervous system, it regulate our heartbeat.And look at this,this is immune system,it proctect body when it attacted by infection.and look at this,this is degestive system ,and help us degest food.respiratory system include the nose and lungs,it brings the air and oxgen into the body and removed co2 .Bellow the  stomach,is a blood.As a adult ,a  blood can hold half a liller pf union.its mysterious

      Besides this,i also knew something about Ema and Martin.They are young couples and have a different schedule each day.the first graph show how Ema decide up her day.She gets an average of 6 hours to sleep compared to Matins 7.she enjoys socialzing with her friends and so on

see u tomorrow


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