

作者: winnisz | 来源:发表于2017-03-14 17:41 被阅读0次

Create and Fetch a Product Description

to create a new product and fetch(获取) its description:

1. Create a unique App ID

2. Generate and install a new provisioning profile(to generate a new provisioning profile that points to the App ID.)

3. Update the bundle ID and code signing profile in Xcode

4. If you haven’t already, submit your application metadata in iTunes Connect

5. Add a new product for in-app purchase

6. Write code for fetching the product description

7. Wait a few hours


1. Create a Unique App ID

Display name、Prefix、Suffix

2. Create a New Provisioning Profile

Make sure you’re on the Development tab、Fill in the requested information, and point to the unique App ID you just created、Pending” in the Actions column, just click the Development tab title to refresh、Click “Download” to pull down the new profile、Drag the profile onto the Xcode icon in the Dock to install

1. if you want to preserve the name of the provisioning profile on disk, you can install the profile manually as follows:

1. In Xcode, select Window > Organizer

2. Select “Provisioning Profiles” category on the left

3. Ctrl-click an existing profile > Reveal in Finder

4. Drag and drop the new profile into the profile Finder window

3. Update Xcode Settings

use a new provisioning profile that points to the App ID.


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