

作者: 书中的电脑 | 来源:发表于2021-07-15 12:18 被阅读0次

    第三章 复杂句的分析。

    1 复杂句分析理论。

    1.1 复杂句组成。——复杂句和简单句在一方面是相同的,即都包含且仅包含一个引导主题;复杂句和简单句在另一方面又是不同的,即复杂句还包括额外的引导主题,即通过从句的方式加入的从属引导主题。


    简单句…………At the close of the war (短语),Washington retired to Mount Version.

    复杂句…………When the war closed (从句),Washington retired to Mount Version.

    1.2 复杂句的元素。——下面是复杂句的主要要点:

    1.2.1 复杂句的主语和补语可以是一个名词,名词短语或从句。

    1.2.2 复杂句的任意部分的名词,都可被任何等级的形容词性元素所修饰。

    1.2.3 复杂句的谓语动词可以被任何等级的副词性元素所修饰。

    1.2.4 复杂句的任意部分的形容词元素都可以被任何等级的副词性元素所修饰。

    1.3 从句的特征。——复杂句中的从句,按其功能来说,可以分为名词,形容词或副词性从句:例如——

    (1) That you can not perform the task is evident——[名词从句充当主语]。


    (2) I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls——[名词从句充当宾语]。


    (3) You will never see the fruit of the trees which you are planting——[形容词短语修饰名词“trees”]。

    (4) He found the book where he left it——[副词性从句修饰动词“found”].


    (5) John is taller than his brother is——[副词短语修饰形容词“taller”]。


    (6) She behaves as well as was anticipated——[副词从句修饰副词“well”]。


    1.4 连接性(connective)。


    1.5 关于从句连接词注意事项。

    1.5.1 下面给出的连词分类表有助于学习者将从句从句子的主要元素中区分出来。

    I. 引导名词从句的连词。

    a. 事实连词——that(连词),what,where,why,how,等等。

    b. 选择连词——whether…or。

    II. 引导形容词从句连词。

    a. 人称连词——who,that.

    b. 事物连词——which,that,(such)…as.


    d. 时间连词——when,whereat(在那里,由此,接着)

    III. 引导副词短语连词。

    a. 地点连词——where,whither,whence.

    b. 时间连词——when,while,whenever,till,until.

    c. 行为方式连词——

    c1. 想像:as,as if

    c2. 对比:as (much) asthan

    c3. 影响:(so) that。

    d. 原因连词——

    d1. 原因:because,since,for;

    d2. 目的:(in order)that,lest;

    d3. 条件:if,unless;

    d4. 让步:though。

    由于名词和形容词从句都可以通过关系词who,when,where,等引导,所以,在指出其分类之前,需要注意从句的职责。例如,“Tell me where he lives”(名词性从句);“This is the place where he lives”(形容词性从句),形容词性从句一定有一个它所修饰的名词。

    1.5.2 连词that在充当动词宾语的名词之前常常被省略掉:例如,“I fear he will not succeed.”因此,还有,当关系代词充当宾格的时候,常常省略:例如,“I have found the book you want.”

    1.5.3 连词that引导的名词性从句,经常以带有一个名词的同位语出现,这种情况可以将从句视为第三级的形容词元素。例如,“The report that he was killed is untrue.”

    1.5.4 比较级的副词从句(通过as和than引导),通常高度省略——有时候省略动词,有时候主语和动词均省略;例如,“He is as rich as Cræsus [is rich];”“The teacher praised you more than [he praised] me.”

    1.5.5 疑问句的主题有时候相当于条件句的用法;例如,“Is any mery [=if any is merry],let him sing psalms.”

    1.5.6 当名词性从句组成句子的主语时,充当先行词主语的it通常省略;名词性从句是实际主语或逻辑主语;例如,“It was clear that they were on the point of quarrelling.”——It was clear



    1.5.7 副词性连词while,where,when,as,等,可以视为从句元素(谓语的副词性修饰语);但是从属连词(或主从连词)(subordinate conjunctions)仅仅是引导词,尽管其对主题具有渲染作用,但是其并不构成主题的任何成分。

    2 复杂句分析指南。


    (1) 主要主题的文法上的主语;

    (2) 主要主题的文法上的谓语;

    (3) 主语的修饰语;

    (4) 谓语的补语(或称修饰语);

    (5) 补语的修饰语。

    (6) 谓语的修饰语。


    2.3 提及连词。

    2.3.1 复杂句的口语分析模型。

    (1) Before Time had touched his hair with silver,he had often gazed with wistful fondness towards that friendly shore on which Puritan huts were already beginning to cluster under the spreading shade of hickory and maple.


    这是一个复杂的陈述句。文法和逻辑上的主语是“he”,谓语是“had gazed”,这是一个完整意义的动词,后面没有带补语。

    文法上的谓语修饰语包括:第三级副词性元素(或从句)“Before Time had touched his hair with silver”;初级副词元素“often”;第二级副词性元素“with wistful fondness”和“towards that friendly shore”。在短语“towards that friendly shore”中,名词“shore”被第三级形容词性元素“on which Puritan huts were already beginning to cluster under the spreading shade of hickory and maple”所修饰。


    a. “(Before) Time had touched his hair with silver”是一个副词性从句,它的文法和逻辑上的主语是“Time”,文法上的谓语是“had touched”。


    文法上的谓语被第二级副词性元素“with silver”所修饰,因此,构成了逻辑上的谓语“had touched his hair with silver”。


    b. “(On which) Puritan huts were already beginning to cluster under the spreading shade of hickory and maple”,这是一个形容词从句,其文法上的主语是“huts”,文法上的谓语是“were beginning”。

    谓语动词通过宾语“to cluster under the spreading shade of hickory and maple”补充完整,这个宾语是一个第二级的名词性元素,由带“to”不定式“to cluster”构成,这个不定式被第二级的副词性元素“under the spreading shade of hickory and maple”所修饰。

    文法上的谓语被初级副词短语“already”所修饰,逻辑谓语是“had often gazed…maple.”

    连词是“on which”,一个形容词性短语关系代词。

    (2) The ocean is as deep as the muntains are high.


    这是一个复杂的陈述句,主要的主题是“the ocean is as deep”和从句“as the muntains are high”。

    文法上的主语是“ocean”,文法上的谓语是“is”,文法上的主语被形容词“the”所修饰;文法上的谓语被副词“as”和副词短语“as the muntains are high”所修饰。


    “as the muntains are high.”

    逻辑主语是“the muntains”,文法上的谓语是“are”,由谓语形容词“high”。副词修饰语“as”补充完整(将谓语动词的意义补充完整)——因此,构成了逻辑谓语“as are high”。

    2.3.2 复杂句的书面语分析模型。

    A reader unacquainted with the real nature of a classical education will probably undervalue it when he sees that so large a portion of time is devoted to the study of a few ancient authors,whose works seem to have no direct bearing on the studies and duties of our own generation.



    文法上的谓语……“will undervalue”

    主语修饰语……“A”(a’);“unacquainted with the real nature of a classical education”(a”);


    谓语的修饰语……“probably”(adv’);“when he sees…generation”(adv’’’)。


    a. “(when) he sees that so large a portion of time is devoted to the study of a few ancient authors,whose works seem to have no direct bearing on the studies and duties of our own generation”。



    补语……“that so large a portion … generation”(s’’’)


    b. “(that) so large a portion of time is devoted to the study of a few ancient authors,whose works seem to have no direct bearing on the studies and duties of our own generation”。


    文法上的谓语……“is devoted”

    主语修饰语……“so large”(a’);“a”(a’);“of time”(a’’)。

    谓语修饰语……“to the study of a few ancient authors”(adv”);“whose works seem to have no direct bearing on the studies and duties of our own generation.”(a’’’)

    c. “whose works seem to have no direct bearing on the studies and duties of our own generation.”(a’’’,“authors”的修饰语。)




    补语……“to have”(a’)


    第二个复杂修饰语……“no”(a’);“direct”(a’);“on the studies and duties of our own generation.”(a”)




    1. The rose that all arc praising is not the rose for me.

    2. When we go forth in the morning we lay a moulding hand upon our destiny.

    3. Whilst light and colors rise and fly,

    Lives Newton's deathless memory.

    4. The boy stood on the burning deck

    Whence all but him had fled.

    5. When he was a boy, Franklin, who afterwards became a distinguished statesman and philosopher, learned his trade in the printing-office of his brother, who published a paper in Boston.

    6. He that tights and runs away

    May live to fight another day.

    7. Go into Turkey, where the pachas will tell you that the Turkish government is the most perfect in the world.

    8. The Dutch florist who sells tulips for their weight in gold laughs at the antiquary who pays a great price for a rusty lamp.

    9. When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me.

    10. We must not think the life of a man begins when he can feed himself.

    11. Tell me not In mournful numbers

    Life is but an empty dream I

    12. When, in the course of human events, It becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


    1. I do not admire such books as he writes.

    “as he writes”是形容词短语,“books”的修饰语,关系代词“such”。

    2. It is only by the fresh feelings of the heart that mankind can be very powerfully affected.

    “that mankind can be very powerfully affected”是名词性从句,“it”的同位语;“is”=“exists”(完整意义动词)。

    3. That man has been from time Immemorial a right-handed animal is beyond dispute.

    “beyond dispute”(a”),“is”的补语。

    4. He is proud that he is noble.

    “that he is noble”(adv’’’)是谓语修饰语。

    5. The boy ran so fast that I could not overtake him.

    “that I could not overtake him”(adv’’’),副词“fast”的修饰语。

    6. My Father is greater than I (am).


    7. Oh ! (as,I wish) that I knew where I might find him!

    补上动词“as, I wish”。

    8. The older yon become,the wiser yon should be.

    “The older”,等,(adv’’’),修饰主从句的动词“should be”。

    9. His conduct is not such as I admire.

    “as I admire”(a’’’),与“such”一起构成补语。“as”(s’)具备关系代词的功能,是“admire”的宾语。

    10. See here is a bower

    Of eglantine with honeysuckles woven,

    Where not a spark of prying light creeps in.

    “Where not a spark”等,(a’’’),“bower”的修饰语。

    11. The Jamb thy riot doomed to bleed to-day,

    Had hell thy reason, would he skip and play?


    12. 'Tis better to have loved and lost

    Than never to have loved at all.

    “'Tis”= It is。“it”是主语的先行词;逻辑上的主语是“to have loved and lost”。

    来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。



