In the weeks that followed 在之后的几个月
on her mind 心事重重的,有心事的
draw up 草拟
dittany 白藓,白薄荷花一种
shuffle into view 笨拙地出现在视线中
out of this place 不合适,不协调
go rabbiting 猎兔
shuffle off 慢慢地离开
hush up 掩盖
stiflingly hoy 令人窒息的,令人闷热的
stoat sandwiches 白鼬三明治
beat about the bush 拐弯抹角
tick off on his fingers 用手指数人
soul 人
fiddle with 神经质地摆动
trowel 小铲子
usher inside 引领进来
bated(焦虑的) breath 屏住呼吸
crumpled 压皱的
snout (猪的,动物的)长鼻子
jet body 煤黑色的身体
stubs(残端) of horns 残缺的龙角
the color grained from his face 惊慌失色
furl out (烟般的滚出来) =from into a cylinder by rolling
lost his marbles 疯了,失去理智
be a mark of something
hitch 问题
a tricky stage 棘手的状态或阶段
bange 能撞、猛击、撞在
muffled voice 低沉的声音
Midnight ticked nearer 午夜来临
short cuts 近路,捷径 不同于shortcut
grappling with 近身搏斗
tartan 格子的 dressing gown
hairnet 发网,发套
detention 留堂,留校,拘留,扣押
did a sort of jig 一种吉格舞
a cheery lot 一群好友
harness 马具
rig up 七拼八凑
loomed 隐约出现