

作者: 兰呱呱 | 来源:发表于2018-11-01 21:39 被阅读0次


My company is sitting in the tire ring of Beijing near dawanglu, it is a financial company, not too big, but if you say it is small, then we have more than 1,000 staffs and 11 sub-companies. We have two bathrooms each floor and two cleaning ayi as well.


Thus two ayi all wear the same uniforms, and one of them looks younger, but another one is a little bit short and you can tell she is from the south, and she is a little bit older, like the late of forties. We “white collar” don't have too much communication with them, only when there is no hand-washing soap, tissue or there is problems we would call them, that's it .


But I am different, not because I love chatting, haha, but I am a new people for my department, I have lots of work to do everyday, so normally I come early and leave late, when I leave the company basically has no people there, only the ayi. Many times is they complain too many times until I leave, because they need to make sure the electrical equipment turn off and lock the gates those after-work jobs, so I will help them and then we have chance to talk. 


The work time of ayi in my company has two different ones, one is from 7:00-16:00, another one is from 10:00-19:00. So if there is nobody work late than 18:00, they can just finish their job and come back home earlier, otherwise they need to wait until last one leave, that's why the two ladies all get annoyed with me, I make them come back late! I remember one day is the younger lady`s late hour work, we talked after I finished my work, she asked me how's my company`s salary and other wage stuff(that is not awkward in China), I answered the finance and computer career are the best paid right now, so it's good. She kept asking, how did I come to work in this company, I said that's easy, I just used the recruited app and sent them my CV. And then asked how many children she has, she told me she has two children one daughter is two years younger than me and another  son is still in the middle school, the daughter is finding a job, her major is account which is the most common major in China. The lady thinks my company is fancy and people who work in the accounting department is nice paid with good environment, it would be great if her daughter works here.


I really don't know what to say that time, because I've never thought there would be someone who admire my job, tired, less paid, endless work, everyday I need to work for 9 hours, so what she said really flatters me, if you know what her life is you would understand it. She comes from Hebei province, her husband works in paper mill factory earning around 3000 for one month where she used to work in. But recently because if the environmental policy came out, many paper mill factories shut down, and reduce the salary of their workers. Also working there is really a hard work, everyday you have to move thousand piles  of papers, books into the cars, after one day`working you'll feel disgusted. People in her village told her working in Beijing as an ayi earns the same money with a better environment, because the company has heater in winter and AC in summer, that's why she came to Beijing. So basically is her and her husband earning around 7000 one month and pay for their two children school and life expenses. The ayi rent an dormitory with other 7 people, 600 one months, she takes lunch everyday and takes bus just for saving the 4yuan's subway, even she need leave at 5:30 and transfer one time every single day. Now her daughter comes to Beijing of course she hope her find a really good job, but it seems like there is nothing she can do. I told her to go ask the hr department if the accounting department still need people, she was too shy to ask I can tell.


Life is not easy, when we have the ability earn money, please earn more, when we don't need waste money, please save some. About the other ayi, I will talk next time.


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