道德经-现代翻译 Tao Te Ching Interpreta

道德经-现代翻译 Tao Te Ching Interpreta

作者: SophieTsuei | 来源:发表于2019-04-10 20:04 被阅读0次

    此文每一章分为三段:老子《道德经》原文、James Trapp的英文翻译版本、以及由我再结合中英和个人理解,翻译出来的现代中文注释版本。发表纯为和几个朋友研习道德经交流使用,让大家可以更加简单的从自己的理解来读修道德经。

    1. The mystery of the Dao 道的玄妙


    The Dao that we can comprehend is not the eternal and infinite Dao. The names that we give are not the eternal and infinite names. Void is how we name the origin of the Cosmos. Amplitude is how we name the creation of the things that fill it. Thus it is in Void that we can contemplate the scope of the Dao. And in Amplitude, its subtleties. These two have different names but a common source, and both are mysteries. Gateways to the infinite mutability of the Dao.


    2. Not-doing 无作为


    If we understand what makes Beauty beautiful, then we can recognize Ugliness. If we understand what makes Goodness good, then we can recognize Bad. Void and Amplitude have the same origin. Difficulty and Ease beget each other. Long and Short define each other. High and Low support each other. Music and Voice harmonize with each other. Before and After follow each other. This is the Constant. From this it follows that the enlightened man acts through Not-doing, teaches without words, and interacts with Creation without initiating. He makes but doesn't own, acts but doesn't rely on the result, achieves but doesn't linger to be recognized. In not seeking recognition, his credit becomes enduring.


    3. Removing Desire 移除欲望


    If talent is not glorified, people will not compete with one another. If the rare and precious are not coveted, people will not steal. If desirable objects are not wantonly displayed, people's hearts will not be in turmoil. When the enlightened man orders things he bestows a mind empty of needless concerns; a stomach full of nourishing food. He eschews selfish resolve, and strengthen the body. As a guiding principle he removes the opportunities for willfulness and covetousness from the ordinary people, and withholds the opportunities for misusing their knowledge from the educated. In doing by not-doing, there is nothing that cannot be controlled.


    4. Infinite Dao 无限的道


    The Dao is like a bowl that can never be emptied. Truly it is inexhaustible, the fount of Creation. It blunts the sharp. Resolves the tangled. Softens the dazzling. Settles the dust cloud. Truly it is unfathomable, and yet we know it is there. I don't know what gave birth to the Dao, but surely it precedes the Sage Emperors.


    5. Cultivating Emptiness 耕耘空性


    The Cosmos obeys its own rules and has no inclination to benevolence. It treats Creation like ritual objects to be used according to their purpose. The enlightened man obeys his own rules and has no inclination to benevolence. He treats the people like ritual objects to be used according to their purpose. Is the Cosmos not like a pair of bellows? Bellows are empty but inexhaustible and the more they are worked, the more they produce. The more we try to define, the more we diminish; far better to cherish unspoken inner understanding.


    6. The Spirit of the Valley 道之母


    The Spirit of Valley is the sacred feminine principle. Its gateway is the root of the Cosmos, like an unbroken silk thread, it is inexhaustible.


    7. Self Through Selflessness 无我的自我


    Heaven is long-lasting and Earth is enduring. Thus, as it is in itself long-lasting and enduring but does not exist for its own benefit, the Cosmos may endure. In the same way, the enlightened man may place himself in the least and yet be preserved. It is his lack of self-interest that allows him to fulfill himself.


    8. Avoid Conflict 避免冲突


    People of the highest virtue are like water. Water benefits Creation without any conflict, and it favors the low places shunned by the ordinary people. In this it resembles the Dao. Live in harmony with the land. Allow emotions to run deep. Show benevolence in your dealings with others. Speak with honesty. Arrange things according to the proper order. Manage according to your ability. Act according to opportunity. Without conflict, there is no animosity.


    9. Recognizing Sufficiency 知足

    持而盈之,不如其已;揣而锐之,不可长保 。金玉满堂,莫之能守;富贵而骄,自遗其咎。功成身退,天之道也。

    If a vessel you are carrying is already full, it is best not to add anything more. If you keep trying the edge of a blade, you will blunt it. Halls full of gold and jade are impossible to safeguard. Pride in wealth and honor brings its own downfall. To retire gracefully, once your task is done. That is the way of the Dao.





          本文标题:道德经-现代翻译 Tao Te Ching Interpreta
