一、External Data
- Use of the LUng Node Analysis Grand Challenge data because it contains detailed annotations from radiologists
- Use of the LIDC-IDRI data because it had radiologist descriptions of each tumor that they found
- Use Flickr CC, Wikipedia Commons datasets
- Use Human Protein Atlas Dataset
- Use IDRiD dataset
二、Data Exploration and Gaining insights - Clustering of 3d segmentation with the 0.5 threshold
- Identify if there is a substantial difference in train/test label distributions
- Perform blob Detection using the Difference of Gaussian (DoG) method. Used the implementation available in skimage package.
- Use of patch-based inputs for training in order to reduce the time of training
- Use cudf for loading data instead of Pandas because it has a faster reader
- Ensure that all the images have the same orientation
- Apply contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization
- Use OpenCV for all general image preprocessing
- Employ automatic active learning and adding manual annotations
- Resize all images to the same resolution in order to apply the same model to scans of different thicknesses
- Convert scan images into normalized 3D numpy arrays
- Apply single Image Haze Removal using Dark Channel Prior
- Convert all data to Hounsfield units
- Find duplicate images using pair-wise correlation on RGBY
- Make labels more balanced by developing a sampler
- Apply pseudo labeling to test data in order to improve score
- Scale down images/masks to 320×480
- Histogram equalization (CLAHE) with kernel size 32×32
- Convert DCM to PNG
- Calculate the md5 hash for each image when there are duplicate images
四、Data Augmentations
- Use albumentations package for augmentations
- Apply random rotation by 90 degrees
- Use horizontal, vertical or both flips
- Attempt heavy geometric transformations: Elastic Transform, Perspective
Transform, Piecewise Affine transforms, pincushion distortion - Apply random HSV
- Use of loss-less augmentation for generalization to prevent loss of useful image information
- Apply channel shuffling
- Do data augmentation based on class frequency
- Apply gaussian noise
- Use lossless permutations of 3D images for data augmentation
- Rotate by a random angle from 0 to 45 degrees
- Scale by a random factor from 0.8 to 1.2
- Brightness changing
- Randomly change hue, saturation and value
- Apply D4 augmentations
- Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization
- Use the AutoAugment augmentation strategy
- Use of a U-net based architecture. Adopted the concepts and applied them to 3D input tensors
- Employing automatic active learning and adding manual annotations
- The inception-ResNet v2 architecture for training features with different receptive fields
- Siamese networks with adversarial training
- ResNet50, Xception, *Inception ResNet *v2 x 5 with Dense (FC) layer as the final layer
- Use of a global max-pooling layer which returns a fixed-length output no matter the input size
- Use of stacked dilated convolutions
- VoxelNet
- Replace plus sign in LinkNet skip connections with concat and conv1x1
- Generalized mean pooling
- Keras NASNetLarge to train the model from scratch using 224x224x3
- Use of the 3D convnet to slide over the images
- Imagenet-pre-trained ResNet152 as the feature extractor
- Replace the final fully-connected layers of ResNet by 3 fully connected layers with dropout
- Use ConvTranspose in the decoder
- Applying the VGG baseline architecture
- Implementing the C3D network with adjusted receptive fields and a 64 unit bottleneck layer on the end of the network
- Use of UNet type architectures with pre-trained weights to improve convergence and performance of binary segmentation on 8-bit RGB input images
- LinkNet since it’s fast and memory efficient
- BN-Inception
- Fast Point R-CNN
- Seresnext
- UNet and Deeplabv3
- Faster RCNN
- SENet154
- ResNet152
- NASNet-A-Large
- EfficientNetB4
- ResNet101
- GAPNet
- PNASNet-5-Large
- Densenet121
- XceptionNet (96), XceptionNet (299), Inception v3 (139), InceptionResNet v2 (299), DenseNet121 (224)
- AlbuNet (resnet34) from ternausnets
- SpaceNet
- Resnet50 from selim_sef SpaceNet 4
- SCSEUnet (seresnext50) from selim_sef SpaceNet 4
- A custom Unet and Linknet architecture
- FPNetResNet50 (5 folds)
- FPNetResNet101 (5 folds)
- FPNetResNet101 (7 folds with different seeds)
- PANetDilatedResNet34 (4 folds)
- PANetResNet50 (4 folds)
- EMANetResNet101 (2 folds)
- RetinaNet
- Deformable R-FCN
- Deformable Relation Networks
2、Hardware Setups
- Use of the AWS GPU instance p2.xlarge with a NVIDIA K80 GPU
- Pascal Titan-X GPU
- Use of 8 TITAN X GPUs
- 6 GPUs: 21080Ti + 41080
- Server with 8×NVIDIA Tesla P40, 256 GB RAM and 28 CPU cores
- Intel Core i7 5930k, 2×1080, 64 GB of RAM, 2x512GB SSD, 3TB HDD
- GCP 1x P100, 8x CPU, 15 GB RAM, SSD or 2x P100, 16x CPU, 30 GB RAM
- NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU with 16GB of RAM
- Intel Core i7 5930k, 2×1080, 64 GB of RAM, 2x512GB SSD, 3TB HDD
- 980Ti GPU, 2600k CPU, and 14GB RAM