开卷有益-Everything is figureoutable

开卷有益-Everything is figureoutable

作者: 思求彼得赵 | 来源:发表于2022-10-04 21:08 被阅读0次

在上网搜查资料时,看到一个人的节目。节目主持人是玛莉.佛莱奥 (Marie Forleo) 。

In September 2019, Forleo released Everything is Figureoutable: One Simple Belief to Create Unstoppable Success. The book was a #1 New York Times bestseller.

How do you know how to do so many different things that you’ve never done before, yet no one’s showing you how to do them?
—What are you talking about ? it’s not that big of a deal.

1.Nothing in life is so complicated .you can do anything you set your mind to , if you roll up your sleeves, you get in there and you do it.

2.Everything is figure-outable .


And that idea is this:

3.When you know what's important, it's a lot easier to ignore what's not.

So for you, getting super clear on what's most important to you at this particular stage in your life, I think is going to help bring a sense of peace and clarity.

4. clarity comes from engagement,not from thought.


Simplify to amplify:

means to bring better focus on fewer more essential aspects of your personal life, as well as in your business, to reach higher goals and get more fulfillment in the realization of these goals.

一点感想:凡事皆有出路(Everything is figureoutable),这种感觉很有共鸣。在小时候,不小心把水桶掉进了井里。我用工具捞出桶的过程很艰难,原因是井里面有淤泥水桶一定是部分地陷入了淤泥中。
但我坚信水桶就在井里,目标就在那里,只要坚持就一定能捞出来。果然在我给自己倒计时的中途成功了! 这件小事,就像作者母亲的一句话一样(Nothing in life is so complicated .you can do anything you set your mind to , if you roll up your sleeves, you get in there and you do it. Everything is figureoutable .),支持一辈子。



      本文标题:开卷有益-Everything is figureoutable
