title: capricious
date: 2019-03-12 17:38:44
NO_sents: 14
NO_references: 13
- Furthermore, breeding programs will become more dynamic as they will be able to ensure adaptation to capricious influences such as climate change and biotic disturbance in less time (Grattapaglia 2014). (Thistlethwaite et al., 2019)
- Creation of mating plans by controlled crossing is usually laborious in larch because of capricious flowering and low seed set 6. (Paques, 2004)
- These results illustrate the capricious nature of genetic correlations when they are compared among species, sites, and sample sizes. (Stackpole et al., 2010)
- Prior beliefs are not capricious and Bayes' Rule 115 idiosyncratic and covert, but instead are based on publicly agreed facts or theories. (Kruschke, 2013)
- I do not mean to imply that personal histories are completely capricious, unaffected by social structures of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and so on, just that they are not in detail determined by these structures. (Fox, 2015)
- That said, the highly capricious nature of weighting strategies is certainly worth careful consideration, and we recommend directly assessing the impact of weighting strategies by comparing unweighted and weighted results. (Gondro, van der Werf, Hayes, 2013)
- It may seem capricious for us to define such a long list of types when a much smaller number of templated types would do. (Press et al., 2007)
- When he said that measures of probability were a matter of psychological or subjective interest, he realized, of course, that they were logical in character, and therefore, in a secondary sense, objective, that is to say, they were not capriciously subjective; but nevertheless it remained true that he did not find it within his competence to adjust his degree of rational belief to the different requirements of the different estimates of probability. (Fisher et al., 1935)
- However. the book's content primarily reflects research directions taken by the conservation genetics community. rather than editorial capriciousness. (Avise, Hamrick, 1996)
- Given the capriciousness of immunolabeling, alternative reporters have been widely used. (Theodore Friedmann, (Eds.), 2012)