Business model和Business strategy

Business model和Business strategy

作者: 风华九里 | 来源:发表于2020-05-13 04:18 被阅读0次


来一段John天天嘲笑的academic language:

A business model is a structural layout that depicts the organization of a firm’s transactions with all its external constituents in factor and product markets。就是一个字,看不懂。

然后关于Business model和Business strategy的区别,他们是这么说的,A business model is a coordination framework that coordinates the parts of a business while a strategy decides the competitive ability of a firm。苍天啊大地啊,谁来告诉我这到底是什么。我到底应该在model里写什么,在strategy里写什么啊。

我翻了四五篇文献,看得云山雾罩。大概是说model是create value for stakeholder的, strategy是怎么实现model的。于是我写邮件问老师我的理解正不正确,老师给了答复:

A business model is a plan for the successful operation of a business, it is used to help the business to identify sources of incomes, who the target customers are and what products are to be promoted and sold to them.  For instance, Amazon uses an online business model.

Strategy is then used to get the products promoted to the customers.  Amazon collects information on how we buy and then targets related products to us.

我顿觉John天天嘲笑academic language是有道理的,不过,他不能把他的slides写成这样嘛。非得用academic language写一遍,然后再解释。关键是他不会每个点都解释,于是有些点就只好自己研究,研究出一定的答案再去找老师核查,太花时间了。



      本文标题:Business model和Business strategy
