

作者: 俗不可耐啊 | 来源:发表于2018-05-18 21:53 被阅读6次

For hundreds of years, we, all human beings, have been fighting against any kinds of discriminations--complexion, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

On one special day, some of us stuck into genovariation with various but uncontrollable super power turn out the different ones, who are regarded as aggressive mutants.

Which reminds me of a sci-fi named Three Body by a renown Chinese writer, Liu Cixin. It goes that human has always turned to transform the fear of things(eg. power) unknown into rejection or even hostility.

Nevertheless, I can't agree to the story if mutants appear one day due to the open mind among overwhelming us. Public are more liable to hero-worship them and their super power if you remember the movie Fantastic Four.

This is an era inundated with rat-fucker in which everyone is eager to ne different but disappointedly find out that he is just one of them. Consequently, the appearance of mutants will become a hit rather than a new form of discrimination.


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