

作者: 观景_471d | 来源:发表于2017-10-16 08:02 被阅读0次

    Serving as a volunteer in Sri Lanka for 6 weeks was an interesting experience.After taking part inthe AIESEC this summer, the most interesting thing I would like to do was goingto Sri Lanka as a volunteer. 

    As I stepped off the plane and get out off theairport, Hashan, the team leader of Project AQUA and one of my best friends,picked me up and sent me to my hotel. The climate in Colombo, which city Istayed, is really pleasant. In the first few days arrived, I met many teammatesfrom different countries, such as French, Belgium, Egypt, South Korea and etc. Althoughwe did not know together before, we became good friends soon after the icebreak. 乘公交前往一村落的寺庙。脱鞋进入寺庙后村民们热情招待了我们。Hashan做Presentation,Daniel,Victor帮忙。不知效果如何,因为听不懂僧伽罗语,具体情况不明。临行前小孩送花留念,和Hashan握手。 迎来了Julie,启程去Kandy。和Daniel坐了一等座。路途颠簸,难以入睡。沿途森林枝叶繁茂又穿过山洞旅途实在有趣。至Kandy,女生们各显神通砍半价搭TukTuk,初觉情景残暴,但在后来的生活中被证明其实是司机太黑。至山顶茶博物馆,票价贵,又乏味。后在其楼上饮茶,茶味苦涩,需加入奶与糖调味。午后至大象孤儿院,观大象洗澡,进食。夜,与Daniel共住一室,房主品味典雅。旅途乏惫,但SriLanka的第一次热水澡,很享受。 前往小学做Presentation,雨天。Helen和Victor老师表现很棒哦,还有Nipun的同声翻译。学校和寺庙是一体的,老奶奶带我们参观了佛像。师生席地而坐。临行前还送了我们一些与佛教有关的书籍。中午在MangoMango午饭。晚上遭遇了Colombo整个地区的停电,所幸Daniel贡献了他的蜡烛。 享用房主提供的丰盛早餐后前往PinkPost Office与Helen小分队汇合。沿途英式建筑,花园颇为古典。参观维多利亚公园,Helen热衷于拍照。午后,前往茶厂。听讲解,观茶厂运作,品锡兰红茶,赏茶园美景。茶园与茶厂隔山对望。买茶后与Helen小队分别,与Daniel至PinkPost Office处后,写明信片寄于亲友。归途,迷路,于小屋见一国人,与其聊天,方知其在此地经营旅馆十年有余。傍晚邀Daniel共赴小屋,有旅客至,屋内生气勃勃。女主人为吾二人做晚餐,于他乡食中国菜,虽稍贵,仍心满意足。晨5时携主人提供的早餐搭车前往霍顿平原。可惜因为语言交流困难,且没有事先沟通好,耽误了时间,错过观赏世界尽头的最佳时间。于7时到达,沿大路徒步而行。沿途风景壮美

    We experienced many interesting things together in next 6 weeks, likemaking a beach cleaning, doing presentation about saving water in primaryschool, making Chinese food and having a trip to Kandy for Esala PeraheraFestival. Time flied when we were having fun. We had to leave on 15thAugust, so we spent our last days in Sri Lanka with Hashan and his kind and hospitableparents.What a nice experience it was!



