早起还是幸福的!在麦当劳坐着吃早餐 虽然不饿 但是麦当劳的汉堡还是好吃的 午餐是我前一天晚上买的to good to go,3.5买了一堆价值十多块的东西 很超值!
Waking up early is still a joy! Sitting at McDonald's having breakfast, even though I'm not hungry, their burgers are still tasty. Lunch was a 'Too Good To Go' deal I bought the night before, spending 3.5 to get a bunch of stuff worth over ten bucks - such great value!!

学联大会 da shi guan给我订的酒店要一千五一晚上!着实奢侈了点

很骄傲的事情是亦璠姐姐出书了 而且还在springer出版了 真的想都不敢想 太厉害了不愧是她!!!

羊帮我买的插头到了www 我给自己下单的同时也给wf买了一个wwww

晚上和wf连麦 我发现我只要是tla 都要连麦 之前和cn男生谈恋爱 一天不间断的连麦 没想到外国男朋友也来这一套 天天连麦 不管说不说话 就给我连着!
In the evening, I had a voice call with Wafi. I realized that whenever I'm in a long-distance relationship, voice calls are a must. Previously, when I was dating a Chinese guy, we had non-stop voice calls every day. Surprisingly, a foreign boyfriend also follows this pattern - daily voice calls, whether we talk or not, just staying connected!

中午和胖丁丁 st一起吃了午饭 我收到了餐券!好多好多 以后吃饭不用花钱了www

刚刚去nxt那边转了一圈,发现他们在办公桌旁边放了免费的糖 于是我们一人拿了一个 继续往前走 结果发现前面的办公桌上还有给大家吃的糖 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
I just went around the NXT area and noticed they had free candy next to their desks. So, each of us took one and continued walking. Then, to our surprise, we found more candy on the desks ahead, available for everyone.