

作者: 盛唐小白 | 来源:发表于2015-08-06 21:39 被阅读0次

    今早开始工作的时候对技术难点苦于没有思路,很幸运的是,在和同事讨论了没多久就激发了我的灵感,找到了突破口;但是很烦人的是,今天有两个会议,打断了我的思路,不过没办法,新项目启动之初沟通是会比较频繁;下午,大BOSS召集大家开了 kick off,他通过介绍10年前他做的魔兽世界和可口可乐联合推广的活动来激励我们应该在这个项目周期内,找到自己的价值,提升自己的能力,做出令自己感到骄傲的贡献;下班后,我们去了南浦大桥附近的镭射CS基地,玩了4把对战,在第四把中我得到了MVP,击杀/助攻数/死亡数 成绩最佳。打完CS,我们继续吃烧烤,披萨,意面,并做了很有意思的游戏,令我印象深刻的是:比赛谁先用微信“摇一摇”摇到妹子,谁能反手模肚脐之类的,很开心的一天~

    I had no idea about the technical problem in the beginning of my work,fortunately,I was inspired to find a breakthrough after discussing with colleague.It was annoying that there were two meeting in the morning and interrupting my train of thought.As a new project,there needs to be more communication thus i had to admit that it was a bitter pill to swallow in the beginning of a new project;

    In the afternoon,our team were  asked to assemble by the Manager;He related his first project, the joint promotion between Coca-Cola and WOW, to encourage us to seek our value, to improve our ability, and to make a contribution that we would be proud of.

    After work,we played Laser Tag near the Nan Pu Bridge,for 1 hour including 4 round .Since my Kill/Hit/Death data was the best in round 4,I got the MVP in that round.After the Laser Tag,we had some barbecue,pizza ,spaghetti and salad as our dinner,meanwhile, we played some funny games. The ones that impressed me most were— Wechat Shake challenge and belly button challenge. Wechat Shake challenge: The one who could find a girl the quickest by using Wechat Shake won. Belly button challenge: the one who could touch your belly button by reaching behind your back and around your waist won. Such a happy day~



