[TB7] U3L2 Homework

[TB7] U3L2 Homework

作者: TimmySHENX | 来源:发表于2018-06-01 18:42 被阅读0次

    Book 7, Unit 3, Lesson 1

    In this unit, the students will …

    learn how to tell humorous stories.

    respond to stories using adjectives and tag questions.

    use similes and hyperbole to describe. 

    contrast different versions of the same event.

    argue and reach a compromise.

    write an argumentative essay.

    At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to …

    learn how to make similes using 'as … as'

    learn techniques for telling humorous stories.

    learn how to respond to stories using adjectives and tag questions.

    collaborate to write their own humorous stories.


    1. Reading Material

    2. Writing :

    Writing :"My Little Monster"

    3.Online Homework



          本文标题:[TB7] U3L2 Homework
