实用英语“Don't fret”,你用什么语言“读懂”?

实用英语“Don't fret”,你用什么语言“读懂”?

作者: 英语老师覃冠平 | 来源:发表于2019-04-13 08:31 被阅读0次

    实用英语“Don't fret”,你用什么语言“读懂”的?

    第一次读到英语口语词汇Don't fret总是让人一脸懵逼的,总是忍不住去想:中文什么意思?

    你就没想过:英语什么意思?What doses it mean when people say:Don't fret?

    实用英语“Don't fret”,你用什么语言“读懂”?

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    读到后面No problem时,Okay.I got you了:1)Don't fret means No problem,Don't worry.2)Okay.Got it.When people say Don't fret,they mean No problem,or Don't worry.


    实用英语“Don't fret”,你用什么语言“读懂”?


    把下面的英语Don't fret全部“读成”No problem,or Don't worry

    (使用句型Okay.I got you,XXX means No problem,Don't worry.2)Okay.Got it.When people say Don't fret,they mean No problem,or Don't worry.

    1.Mary: Oh, look at the clock! I'm going to be late for my appointment!

    Bob:Don't fret/Don't fret about it/ Fret not! I'll drive you.

    2. "Don't fret(about it)!" said Sally. "We're almost there!"

    3.Please don't fret about being a few minutes late.

    4.There is no need to fret over Larry.



          本文标题:实用英语“Don't fret”,你用什么语言“读懂”?
