Harnessing Adaptability(Part 1)

Harnessing Adaptability(Part 1)

作者: 小Zer | 来源:发表于2017-08-03 22:37 被阅读0次

    1.If you’re running or biking or swimming to increase your endurance, you can track your progress by your heart rate, your breathing, and how long you can keep going until your muscles falter due to lactic acid buildup.


    ■to move awkwardly as if you might fall蹒跚;摇晃

    造句:His voice faltered and he couldn’t say anything.

    2.This means wandering around within a quarter mile or so of each of those places, taking notes on which buildings and which landmarks are in the vicinity.

    in the vicinity


    in the vicinity of

    ■used before a number to show that it is not exact

    造句:This season’s economic growth index is in the vicinity of last season.

    3.You analyze a position in depth, predicting the next move, and if you get it wrong, you go back and figure out what you missed.


    ■done carefully and in great detail, or discovering the real reasons which cause something深入详尽的

    •an in-depth report/interview/analysis深入的报告/采访/分析

    造句:After staying in county for years, he wrote a great documentary fiction about life in county.

    4.That still left one loose end, however: perhaps the taxi drivers in the studies had started out with larger posterior hippocampi that gave them an advantage in finding their way around London, and the extensive testing they went through was nothing more than a weeding-out process that zeroed in on those prospective drivers who were naturally better equipped to be able to learn their way around the maze that is London.



    weed out

    ■清除;剔除;淘汰If you weed out things or people that are useless or unwanted in a group, you find them and get rid of them.



    6.examiner■someone whose job is to decide how well someone has done in an examination主考人;考官

    examinee■Anexaminee is someone who is taking an exam.参加考试者;应试者






          本文标题:Harnessing Adaptability(Part 1)
