

作者: 唐三战神 | 来源:发表于2022-01-25 16:28 被阅读0次






Shen Shixi's articles are always eye-catching and interesting to read. When thinking, they can also make us think about meaningful and thought-provoking philosophy. Today, I read Shen Shixi's book tiger roaring in the sky,

This book mainly tells that Joseph Estrada, the protagonist, lost his father in his early years, and the reason why he lost his father was because he met a tiger. His old father element. Estrada fought bravely with the tiger for his son Joseph and Estrada, and finally the tiger ran away, but old Joseph fell down. From then on, Joseph Estrada launched a big battle of chasing tigers for revenge. In an encounter, she caught a tiger with a red haired American, but that night, everyone thought he was a devil and wanted to drive him out of the village. They also rumored that the moment when the two demons killed each other was the moment when the door of hell opened. In this way, their elders and all the people drove all the two demons they called out of the village, but soon, retribution came. 13 tigers rushed in together and killed Joseph's village. In this way, his love sheep also died for Joseph, Since then, everything has been calm and there has been no incident in.

After reading this article, I understand from it,


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