Functions in Dart can have optional parameters. Optional parameters are parameters that the function caller can choose not to supply. It can be checked from within a function whether an optional parameter was supplied with a value or not. Optional parameters can also have default values; therefore, if values for them are not supplied, they will still be usable within the function. This is often a more logical way to go vs. having the necessity to check if an optional parameter was supplied with a value. There are two types of optional parameters: positional and named.
Optional parameters are useful in instances when you want to make a function more flexible while at the same time maintaining a simple version for basic-use cases. Optional parameters are not an excuse to write very large functions. While a function with many optional parameters can be very flexible, it can also be intimidating, with all of the options that it provides. If you find yourself writing a function with many parameters, you may want to consider whether it would be better served as two (or more) functions.
- 位置可选参数在函数定义中使用方括号定义。 例如,以下函数repeat()有一个名为"repetitions"的可选参数。
void repeat(String word, [int repetitions]) { // repetitions is optional if (repetitions != null) { // check if repetitions was supplied
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { print(word);
} else { // repetitions was not supplied, so just print once
- 这里使用 " != "运算符来检查是否提供了可选参数 "repetitions"。 如果没有为可选参数提供值,并且它没有默认值,则它将具有值 "null"。 在 repeat() 的情况下,如果提供可选参数 "repetitions",它将打印单词重复次数。 如果没有提供可选参数** "repetitions"**,它将只打印一次单词。 我们也可以通过使用提供可选参数 "repetitions"的默认值可以简化此功能。例如:
void repeat(String word, [int repetitions = 1]) { for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) {
ps:这个repeat() 函数写法完全等同于上一个repeat() 函数的写法。
- 逗号分隔多个可选参数的位置。 当调用具有可选参数的函数时,必须在调用时填写的参数位置与声明可选参数的位置顺序保持一致(PS:需按序填写,不可省略)。
void repeat(String word, [int repetitions = 1, String exclamation = ""]) { for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) {
print(word + exclamation); // the + operator can concatenate strings
void main() {
repeat("Dog"); // legal
repeat("Dog", 2, "!"); // legal
repeat("Dog", 2); // legal
repeat("Dog", "!"); // ILLEGAL
repeat("Dog", "!", 2); // ILLEGAL
此处的 “+”号作用为:拼接前后两个字符串,形成一个新的字符串。
print(word + exclamation); // the + operator can concatenate strings
命名的可选参数与位置可选参数非常相似,但它们的定义和调用方式不同。 当调用带有命名可选参数的函数时,它们所提供的顺序无关紧要。 它们用大括号{}和冒号:定义,以将它们的名称与其默认值分开。 与位置可选参数一样,逗号将它们分开。 与位置可选参数一样,它们也不需要具有默认值。 如果命名的可选参数未提供值,则它们的默认值也为null。
void repeat(String word, {int repetitions: 1, String exclamation: ""}) {
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) {
print(word + exclamation); // the + operator can concatenate strings
void main() {
repeat("Dog"); // legal
repeat("Dog", repetitions: 2, exclamation: "!"); // legal
repeat("Dog", repetitions: 2); // legal
repeat("Dog", exclamation: "!"); // legal, even without repetitions repeat("Dog", exclamation: "!", repetitions: 2); // legal, even out of order
- 尽管这种写法相较于位置可选参数更加冗长,不过因此可以为函数的可选参数提供更自由的使用方式,增加函数的可读性。