

作者: 0c05e63bafa4 | 来源:发表于2016-12-07 18:14 被阅读0次
    Cows on the Ranch 

    Review 复习:

    (c)  disease agents, cell cultures, snails        病原体, 细胞培养基,蜗牛

    (d)  soil or have been on a farm / ranch / pasture   土壤,或曾经去过农场/牧场/饲养场

    12.  I have (We have) been in close proximity of (such as touching or handling) livestock


    close     近距离的                   We are close friends. 我们是好朋友

    proximity    接近                     in close proximity   近距离接触

    such as    例如/诸如

    There are a few tourist sites to visit in Harbin, such as the Sun Island, Central Avenue and the Saint Sophia Cathedral. 哈尔滨有几个景点可以参观一下,如太阳岛,中央大街和圣索非亚教堂。

    touch        触摸                  touch your nose / Don't touch it.

    handle      处理                 It's too hot to handle. 这个事很棘手。

    livestock      家畜  / 牲畜      such as cows, pigs, and sheep, etc.

    13. I am (We are) carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10,000 U.S. or the foreign equivalent.                                                                          YES/NO

    我携带现金或相当于现金的支票汇票等金融货币其价值超过一万美金或相当等值的外币    是/否

    carry        携带   carrying  正在携带           Let me carry this bag for you. 

    currency       货币                  Chinese currency    中国货币

    monetary        货币的/金融的        International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 IMF

    monetary instruments  金融货币 (支票/汇票之类)

    over    超过               over = more than   * over 10 people = more than 10 people

    foreign   外国的 / 国外的            foreign languages  外语

    equivalent            等价等值的 / 相等物         bachelor or equivalent  学士或同等学历



