

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-07-10 14:52 被阅读0次


Have you ever had a stressful day? Many people do in the course of their daily lives. And on these high-pressure days, they might find themselves reaching for a sugary snack. Perhaps this is part of their daily routine. Or perhaps on this particular day, their self-control is a bit low and they feel compelled to take a sugar hit.

Stress is natural. That feeling of strain or pressure is a biological response, and under the right circumstances can be a great source of motivation. However, too much stress, especially chronic1 stress, has been linked to sleep disruption, a higher likelihood of a stroke, heart-attack, ulcer2 or depression, among other things.  But why should stress make a person comfort eat?

Dr Giles Yeo, a member of the BBC's Trust Me, I'm a Doctor team, got together with scientists from Leeds University to conduct an experiment into the effect of stress on blood sugar.


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