Colormap Normalization¶
Objects that use colormaps by default linearly map the colors in the colormap from data values vmin to vmax. For example:
BoundaryNorm (boundaries, ncolors[, clip]) |
Generate a colormap index based on discrete intervals. |
Colormap (name[, N]) |
Baseclass for all scalar to RGBA mappings. |
LightSource ([azdeg, altdeg, hsv_min_val, ...]) |
Create a light source coming from the specified azimuth and elevation. |
LinearSegmentedColormap (name, segmentdata[, ...]) |
Colormap objects based on lookup tables using linear segments. |
ListedColormap (colors[, name, N]) |
Colormap object generated from a list of colors. |
LogNorm ([vmin, vmax, clip]) |
Normalize a given value to the 0-1 range on a log scale |
NoNorm ([vmin, vmax, clip]) |
Dummy replacement for Normalize, for the case where we want to use indices directly in a ScalarMappable . |
Normalize ([vmin, vmax, clip]) |
A class which, when called, can normalize data into the [0.0, 1.0] interval. |
PowerNorm (gamma[, vmin, vmax, clip]) |
Linearly map a given value to the 0-1 range and then apply a power-law normalization over that range. |
SymLogNorm (linthresh[, linscale, vmin, ...]) |
The symmetrical logarithmic scale is logarithmic in both the positive and negative directions from the origin. |