6502芯片:复杂内存数据的传输(Complex Memory

6502芯片:复杂内存数据的传输(Complex Memory

作者: 苹果王子刘泽庆 | 来源:发表于2021-05-27 06:37 被阅读0次


    ; Move 256 bytes or less in a forward direction
        LDX #0      ;Start with the first byte
    _LOOP   LDA SRC,X   ;Move it
        STA DST,X
        INX     ;Then bump the index ...
        CPX #LEN    ;... until we reach the limit
        BNE _LOOP


    ; Move 256 bytes or less in a reverse direction
        LDX #LEN    ;Start with the last byte
    _LOOP   DEX     ;Bump the index
        LDA SRC,X   ;Move a byte
        STA DST,X
        CPX #0      ;... until all bytes have moved
        BNE _LOOP


    ; Move 128 bytes or less in a reverse direction
        LDX #LEN-1  ;Start with the last byte
    _LOOP   LDA SRC,X   ;Move it
        STA DST,X
        DEX     ;Then bump the index ...
        BPL _LOOP   ;... until all bytes have moved


    _MOVFWD LDY #0      ;Initialise the index
        LDX LEN+1   ;Load the page count
        BEQ _FRAG   ;... Do we only have a fragment?
    _PAGE   LDA (SRC),Y ;Move a byte in a page transfer
        STA (DST),Y
        INY     ;And repeat for the rest of the
        BNE _PAGE   ;... page
        INC SRC+1   ;Then bump the src and dst addresses
        INC DST+1   ;... by a page
        DEX     ;And repeat while there are more
        BNE _PAGE   ;... pages to move
    _FRAG   CPY LEN+0   ;Then while the index has not reached
        BEQ _DONE   ;... the limit
        LDA (SRC),Y ;Move a fragment byte
        STA (DST),Y
        INY     ;Bump the index and repeat
        BNE _FRAG\?
    _DONE   EQU *       ;All done



          本文标题:6502芯片:复杂内存数据的传输(Complex Memory
