Reflection Paper of <

Reflection Paper of <

作者: 遇见Sealand | 来源:发表于2018-08-24 16:27 被阅读0次

部门最近initiate 了一个reading club 的program,大家推荐了不少好文章和好书,《Leadership is a conversation》就是其中一篇佳作。这两天抽空阅读了一下,趁着脑海中所有的资讯都还fresh,赶紧把一些归纳总结和自己的感悟记录一下。

Key Words: Leadership / Conversation

一看这文章题目,就立刻能抓住两个核心词汇: leadership 和 conversation。

Leadership: is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.


Conversation: is interactive communication between two or more people. It can involve discussion or debate.


Traditional Leadership Vs. Conversational Leadership


Reflection Paper of <>
4 Key Elements

In developing “organizational conversation”
model, the authors identified 4 elements:


Physical proximity between leaders and employees isn't always feasible.But mental or emotional proximity is essental.

Require leaders to minimize the distances,build trust, cultivate the art of listening to people at all levels of the org and learn to speak with empolyees directly and authentically.A few of suggested behaviors: true attentiveness, curiosity, humility.


Interactivity (互动):

Involves an exchange of comments and questions between two or more people. The conversation should be open, fluid and two-way communication.The new technology enables to make a conversation with style diversity,without the limitation of geographic location.


Inclusion (融合):

Enable participants to share ownership of the substance of their discussion.Count employees among a company's official or quasi-official communicator, turn them into full-fledged convsersation partners. Encourage staff to play in the process and take as the frontline content provider, and become living represwntative of the brand.

其实前面提到的intimacy 和inclusion 是互为补充,相辅相成的。融合包容意味着需要提供一个更加积极开放自由的环境,培养员工的主人翁意识,发挥她/他们的主观能动性。邀请员工作为公司正式或非正式沟通者,赋予她/他们参加会话的资格。鼓励员工成为生产前线的信息提供者,以及品牌代言。个人认为主要还是需要员工对公司有认同感,在这基础上培养出主人翁意识,在日常的工作生活中对公司做时时宣传。如果做得到位,这个潜在的力量和收益是巨大的!


Reflect a shared agenda that aligns with the company's strategic objectives and let people at every level gain a big picture of view.Derive strategically relevant action from the push and Pull of discussion and debate. Let employees have a part in creating strategy.


Article reference:  https://hbr.org/2012/06/leadership-is-a-conversation;  Written by Boris Groysberg and Michael Slind and published in June 2012 Harvard business Review



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