[Economist] 货车里的大象(完)

[Economist] 货车里的大象(完)

作者: Prongs | 来源:发表于2017-10-08 13:59 被阅读5次

    The elephant in the truck


    At the same time, new technologies should make learning more effective as well as more necessary. Virtual and augmented reality could radically improve professional training. Big data offer the chance for more personalised education. Platforms make it easier to connect people of differing levels of knowledge, allowing peer-to-peer teaching and mentoring. “Education is becoming flexible, modular, accessible and affordable,” says Simon Nelson, the boss of FutureLearn, the Open University MOOC.

    同时,新技术的出现应当使得学习变得更加高效和必要。虚拟现实技术可以极大地提升专业培训。大数据可以提供更加定制化的教育。各种平台将不同知识水平的人们连接在一起,使得点对点的教育和指导变得可能。“教育正变得更加灵活、模块化、易获取以及可承受”,慕课开放大学 FutureLearn 的老板 Simon Nelson 说到。

    But for now this nascent ecosystem is disproportionately likely to benefit those who least need help. It concentrates on advanced technological skills, which offer the clearest returns and are relatively easy to measure. And it assumes that people have the money, time, motivation and basic skills to retrain.


    Thanks to examples like Singapore’s, it is possible to imagine ways in which continuous education can be made more accessible and affordable for the mass of citizens. But it is as easy—indeed, easier—to imagine a future in which the emerging infrastructure of lifelong learning reinforces existing advantages. Far from alleviating the impact of technological upheaval, that would risk exacerbating inequality and the social and economic tensions it brings in its wake.




          本文标题:[Economist] 货车里的大象(完)
