QT6从2020年12月8号就开始发布了,具体可以参考Qt 6.0 Released这篇博客,如下图所示:
关于QT6的安装目前分为在线安装和离线安装两种,具体可以参考博客:Getting Started with Qt和Offline Qt Downloads,如下图所示:
Getting Started with Qt
Offline Qt Downloads
Qt 6.0源码包:
The source code is available:
For Windows users as a single zip file (242 MB) (Info)
For Linux/macOS users as a tar.xz file (150 MB) (Info)
You can get split source packages from here. Or visit the repository at code.qt.io.
Qt 5.15.x源码包:
The source code is available:
For Windows users as a single zip file (962 MB) (Info)
For Linux/macOS users as a tar.xz file (560 MB) (Info)
You can get split source packages from here. Or visit the repository at code.qt.io.
All older versions of Qt are available in the archive.
关于QT6的移植,可以参考博客:- Porting to Qt 6
目前QT的视频资源好多都是需要梯子才能看,官方的一些视频都是托管在Youtube上面的,Youtube上面有一个比较旧的视频,地址为:C++ Qt Programming
- [Qt 6.0 Released(https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-6.0-released)
- Getting Started with Qt
- Offline Qt Downloads
- Qt Project Git Repository Browser
- Porting to Qt 6
- What's New in Qt 6.0 - overview of the changes in Qt 6.0
- Qt Creator Manual
- Qt Overviews
- Qt Examples And Tutorials
- Build System Changes in Qt 6 - for building Qt 6 from source
- 《C++ Qt 编程视频教程》(C++ Qt Programming)[MP4]
- Qt for Windows - Building from Source
- Qt 6 Build System
- Qt Downloads