The later years
He Became a professor in Berlin in nineteen fourteen(1914).
Shortly after that he left his first wife.
In nineteen nineteen(1919) he married for the Second time。
In nineteen twenty one(1921),he won the Nobel prize for physics。
By this time,he was quite famous。
In which year did he won the noble prize?In nineteen twenty one,he won the Nobel prize for physics。
How many times did he marry?
In nineteen nineteen,he married for the second time。
In nineteen thirty three(1933),he became a professor at a research Institute in the U.S.。
In1933, Hitler also came to power in Germany。as a result,Einstein,who is Jewish,lost his German citizenship。Three years Later,in nineteen thirty six(1936),his wife died。
Which country did he move to in nineteen thirty three(1933)?
In nineteen thirty three,he became a professor at a research Institute in the U.S.。
From nineteen thirty three(1933) until his death,Einstein lived in the U.S.。
In Nineteen forty one (1941),he became an American citizen