
作者: 岁月静好_现象英语 | 来源:发表于2019-08-24 12:50 被阅读0次



英英释义:something that consists of or comes from a mixture of two or more other things

例句:Sushiritto is a hybrid based on Mexican and Japanese cuisines.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“hybrid”可以是形容词可以是名词,作名词它的意思是“混合体”。我们生活中有很多东西其实是两种或多种东西结合的产物,这些东西我们都可以用 hybrid。下面我们通过几个例子掌握它的用法。

旧金山有一家健康快餐店,叫 Sushirrito, 食品和名字一样,都是 sushi 和 burrito 的结合,我们就可以说:

Sushiritto is a hybrid based on Mexican and Japanese cuisines.

秘鲁有一种菜叫 Chifa,在传统秘鲁菜的基础上吸收了粤菜的元素,可以说:

Chifa is a Peruvian culinary hybrid taking in Chinese Cantonese elements.

类似地,越南法棍(Bánh mì )是传统法棍基础上的变种;鸳鸯咖啡是奶茶加咖啡,描述这些食物时就可以用到 hybrid。 有的音乐兼具多种风格,很难简单粗暴地归类,我们就可以用 hybrid:

This song feels like a unique hybrid of blues, country, and pop.


This company is sort of a hybird: it has the flexibility of startups and the strategy of corporations.


1)Even compared with other such open-source projects, Mozilla remains an unusual hybrid. It boasts a volunteer workforce of nearly 23,000 that contributes about half of the company’s computer code in exchange for little more than recognition from their peers and the satisfaction of chipping in to a project they believe in. But it also has 1,100 paid employees, two-thirds of them programmers.

2)There is a tendency, however, to refer to motors supplied only by batteries as “pure” electric systems, whereas those that employ both batteries and an on-board generator are known as hybrids.

3)America is less exceptional—because, like baseball, more of a European-accented hybrid—than it often considers itself to be.

4)It is China’s most admired and valuable firm, worth a cool $400bn. For the past five years it has also been a hybrid that straddles the superpowers, because its shares are listed only in America. Now it is considering a $20bn flotation in Hong Kong, according to Bloomberg.(这里说的是阿里巴巴)

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



(参考翻译:This building is a hybrid of Western and Eastern architectural aesthetics.)





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