A dinner party

A dinner party

作者: 佛乐乐 | 来源:发表于2014-07-31 10:01 被阅读0次

nowadays, it seems natural to speak Chinese when u met Chinese. A group of eomen went to a dinner party. Initially, American friends talked loud.My Chinese friend said, they spoke lound, but i could not understand them. i said, me too. it felt strange to sit with american ladies. i felt like an alien.

only several words captured my attention: divorce, affair, horse, engineer, nurse.

after a while, i got the whole picture. my neighbor found out after 14 years marriage, her husband was having an affair with his paramedics. she divorced him. fortunately, her daughter is wonderful and she loves horse. she became a 兽医. 

we are piza, main course and finnally ice cream. by that time, i had shook hands with everybody. we laughed with the story teller. i thanked her for such generous sharing. i also aplearned bachelor school, graduate school, advisor's name as well as areas for all chinese friends.

In a restaurant, you have to speak really really loud. and everybody becomes nice. a lot of handshaking and hugs.

after i left the restaurany, i met another group. asked about the dinner, a guy said: that restaurant is called stay away!

wow, we are lucky to have sone decent food. BTW, i also brought leftover back for tomorrow's lunch.



      本文标题:A dinner party
