(好客山东对于潍坊肉火烧的定义):Weifang Meat Pancake
(参考环球时报关于驴肉火烧的定义): A snack called lürouhuoshao(Baked Wheat Cake Stuffed with Minced Donkey Meat)
Wang Xinxin, born in 1985 in Baoding, opened a restaurant selling lyurou huoshao,the donkey stuffed burger, in Milan's Chinatown in late September, according to a report by Yanzhao Metropolis Daily;
Wang's hometown, Baoding, is home to lyurou huoshao, burgers with salty, well-braised donkey meat minced and stuffed into a baked wheat bread called shaobing.(这个翻译方法是解释了后头baked wheat bread called shaobing,baked wheat bread又解释了 shaobing)
donkey burger,baoding style,
donkey meat stuffed burger,baoding style
burger stuffed with donkey meat,baoding style
而在中国日报另一个美国编辑的笔下,出现了donkey sandwich,lyurouhuoshao,hot split seasame buns stuffed with chopped up mule meat.
I live in Beijing where every street corner has a hole-in-the-wall selling the ubiquitous donkey sandwich, or lyurou huoshao.No one blinks an eye when they wait anxiously forhot split sesame buns stuffed with chopped up mule meat. It's lean and delicious. Healthy. Cheap and good.刁角小店,火烧能果腹,味道美味,人们能够目不转睛盯着看
Hole-in-the-wall is one of those phrases where you get a lot ofwords hyphenated, if you wrote it down: hole-in-the-wall, beingused as a single word, as a noun. "'I'm going to the hole-in-the-wall"' you might say or "'I'm getting some money out of the hole-in-the-wall"'. Well you can see what it means, it means anautomatic cash dispenser – one of those installed in the outsidewall of a bank or some other money-giving organisation
hole in the wall 指代自主取款机器。
查字典hamburger来源于hamburgsteak汉堡牛排,意思就是牛肉汉堡,绞碎的牛肉,牛肉饼的意思。所以不是以面包类型或者形状区分,也不是以冷热食区分,只有牛肉的汉堡才能称之为hamburger. burger来源于hamburger, 它前面可以加cheese burger,vegetable burger,chicken burger等等说明是什么类型的汉堡,但如果前面不加其他东西说明,burger通常也默认为牛肉汉堡。而在很多老外眼里不仅仅是面包房卖的切片包装好的那些三明治叫sandwich,虾排堡鸡肉汉堡等,这些夹有蔬菜酱汁或者其他除了牛肉的肉类的面包,他们都叫sandwich.(2017,作者三顺,豆瓣)
但凡遇到河间驴肉火烧:donkey meat sandwich,Hejian style
补充:(中国日报关于卤煮火烧的定义):It consists mainly of pig intestines and lungs, streaky pork, fried tofu and huoshao (baked wheat bread,单纯指代面饼).
Huo Shao Stuffed with Meat:
The word “huoshao” originates in the dialect of Shandong which refers to sesame seed cake. The most delicious is Chenghuang Temple’s. Huoshao stuffed with meat looks like a bulging air sac with a lot meat in the middle. The stuff is mainly pork with the sauce made from the special recipe of Weifang people, mushrooms, dried shrimp, and sometimes shellfish.(这个报道直接用Huo Shao,保持中国的拼音,又会引出介绍。点出烹烤制作的鼓鼓囊囊的状态)
第四中国日报关于火烧的baked wheat bread 一词,牛津字典的解释:Bread is a very common food made from flour water and yeast,面制品与火烧外皮较为贴切,单纯bake wheat bread 可介绍“杠子头”,结合火烧烤制形态,故初步认为,“Weifang Baked wheat bread with minced pork 。但bread有开口情况,不规则,又容易让造成烤面包的误解, 驴肉火烧可沿用bread, 驴肉火烧呈开口形状,驴肉漏出,形状似burger,仔细查看,与潍坊肉火烧呈现的闭口填馅烤制的情况不太符合。潍坊火烧不适用于词。
cake虽有薄饼,糕饼之意,但观看一般的图片,形状较为接近煎饼、奶油蛋糕,口头说cake,可能不够直观,会容易误解。查询外网,cake有一类和火烧形状类似,偏向油煎,如英国的fish cakes(鱼饼), patato cakes(土豆饼),但此更多的是原有的食材与粉结合。cakes做饼状食物解释, Food that is formed into flat round shapes before it is cooked can be referred to as cakes. 验证好客山东Weifang Meat Pancake,单纯搜Pancake,发现结合meat搜索之后,出现了相应土话,形态也符合火烧。故我们可遵照定义为Weifang Meat Pancake or Weifang Pancakes with Meat Filling较为贴合。其实火烧就是一种带馅料的饼。。
Mashed Potato Pancakes with Meat Filling
更加specific的 introduction.
A small piece of dough is stuffed with meat and peppers rounded into a ball to flatten and form a pancake shape. Then fried into the deep oil,and turned several time to allow the ingredients like pork bits, chopped green onions, and shrimps inside to simmer to cook.
(stuffed,round,flatten,form几个动词,依次展现火烧的制作状态,此处对外国人呢对我们理解表示存疑,用bake in the oven则会更好。火烧多为烤制,如何会有深油中炸制?奇怪得很。翻面烤,“simmer”一词点出这个肉在炉子里的“煨”状态,很是奇妙。)
Chenghuang Temple is known to be the most famous for making such dishes. The look and taste are very enticing to get more. Weifang’s meat pancake is deeply rooted in the locals.
(据百度显示“潍坊市潍城区城隍庙街一带,因为在上世纪九十年代末就已经成为肉火烧铺相对集中的地带,进而拥有了比其他地方更响亮的名声。历史久远,城隍庙街一带、原文理解成了庙宇做这个火烧?enticing,词汇着重展现食物诱人, deeply rooted in the locals。“deepy rooted in”, 植根于潍坊人的生活,也就是融进潍坊人民的日与月中了)
Also known to many, Weifang is the capital of kites in the world. And it fully utilizes local traditional resources to create a traveling itinerary called “thousands of miles in folk tourism”. The most famous attraction that you won’t want to miss is the Yangjiabu Folk Culture Village in whichwoodblock paintingsandkitesWeifang people are proud of are commonly hand made.
(众所周知,我们潍坊享有风筝之都的美誉,我们利用地方特色传统资源,打造千里民俗游。utilize the local resources to create a travelling itinery called “thousands of miles of folk tourism。句式结构utilize the local resources to ... 非常好的表达。中国杨家埠民间艺术大观园,对应的外文定义是:Yangjiabu Folk Culture Village。潍坊人对木板年画,风筝引以为豪。We are proud of the hand made woodblcok paintings and kites。be proud of..引以为豪, woodblock paintings木板年画。hand made ,皆为手工制作。
During the Ming and Qing era (1368-1902), Weifang owed its fameto 200 furnaces, 3,000 blacksmiths, 9,000 sewing machines, and 100,000 looms. This would explain that while downtown Weifang’s high-rise building dominated the city’s landscape, Weifang as a region (in Shandong, all regions are named after its regional capital city) is still largely rural.Traditional artisan craftsmanship and lifestyle is purposely reserved. (对照历史的表达,“二百支红炉,三千砸铜匠,九千绣花女,十万织布机”名扬天下,后句对比写法,也是非常不错。)
Weifang as a World Kite Leader
Kite flying
Weifangis renowned as theWorld Capital of Kitesand is becoming more of a tourist area. It has a long history as China's number one kite making area, and the city if famed for its kite craftsmanship. Theextensive tradition and various types of kites are explained in the museum.
In 1989, during the Sixth International Kite Festival, the International Kite Federation was founded by representatives from China, the USA, Japan, the UK, Italy, and other twelve countries. Weifang is the headquarters.