NOW THE serpent[1] was more subtle and crafty than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made. And he [Satan][2] said to the woman[3], Can it really be that God has said, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?
And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat the fruit from the trees of the garden,
Except the fruit from the tree which is in the middle of the garden. God has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.But the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die,
For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing the difference between good and evil and blessing and calamity.And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was delightful to look at, and a tree to be desired in order to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she gave some also to her husband, and he ate.
- from Holy Bible.
- 如黑体所标明,蛇亦是上帝所造。
- 上帝造人,许口服温饱,悦目美景;然不许人知是非、羞耻。大有“民可使由之不可使知之”风味。何以如此?孔仲尼话语透露天机一二:“由”,遵循也;“知”,自断也。上帝亦然,非不欲人知善恶,不许人自判也。
尼采宣布“上帝已死”,死得好。上帝死了,人才可自以其心,断是非善恶。上帝死了,人才是人了。 - 我国有委罪女祸事,如妲己、褒姒、程圆圆,近者如陈璧君等事。读此书知,西人亦如是也。
伊甸园中,遍地蔬果,谅亚当无须捕猎。同事采集,安知非亚当所为?以人之性情验,冒险、尝鲜怕男人更甚吧? - 蛇为上帝所造,然上帝亦无可如蛇何!一切有生命力者,莫不如此也。父母之于子女,作者之于角色、书籍,皆当作如是观。
- 蛇乃思想家也。后言其诱夏娃,以至人类长受劳苦罪且污之为恶魔撒旦,如此处原注,此乃上帝之舆论压制而已。
以思想罪之,却未见有辨蛇言何以错。力服,“三军可夺帅”无可如何;“心”,“匹夫不可夺志” 。
我为蛇叫屈。 - 具历史学家考,夏娃 Eve,亦有蛇意,如此所谓“蛇诱”莫非暗喻其自欲如此?佛曰:“觉者,自觉也!”善!
- 夏娃、亚当食禁果后,果如蛇言,知善恶羞耻,一如上帝且无因食禁果而死。
于此,蛇无有诓人,而上帝诓人。 - 蛇何以知禁果有此效?何以其智能远超其他?莫非其以先食?蛇食之而无事,人食之而遭驱逐,上帝亦选择执法。
- 前文言,上帝依自己形象而造人,则人殆为其最满意之创造,然对待之不若蛇之厚。真乃徒有其表而已。
- 最后一节,先看可食用,后看很好看,再想能增长智慧。
- 层次分明,逻辑递推。大有《春秋》:“六鹢退飞,雉门两观”意。
- 人以食为天。求温饱,此乃天下有情所共事。佛陀知,故割肉饲虎。后人亦非元蠢,吃多了“精神食粮”,不蠢不行。
- 先求美,后求慧。及今,有变乎?