

作者: 小燕_lillian | 来源:发表于2020-03-13 23:34 被阅读0次


    A planned increase in raw material costs for a specific procurement item occurs. What should the project manager do first?


    Inform the sponsor


    Perform a reserve analysis


    Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process


    Research the reasons for the deviation

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的456页11.7.2.1要通过储备分析来监督项目中应急储备和管理储备的使用情况,从而判断是否还需要这些储备,或者是否需要增加额外的储备。


    After determining the thresholds for high, moderate, and low risks, what should the project manager use to view the risk’s likelihood occurrence?




    Control chart


    Probability distribution


    Probability and impact matrix

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    53、[单选]项目发起人和风险部门经理担心一个高端项目的风险应对措施,发起人要求项目经理与风险部门经理合作,以确定风险管理过程的有效性。 谁应该负责确保风险审计得到适当执行?

    A project sponsor and a risk department manager are concerned about risk-response implementation for a high-profile project, The sponsor asks the project manager to work with the risk department manager to determine the effectiveness of the risk management process. Who is responsible for ensuring that risk audits are performed appropriately?


    Project sponsor


    Manager of risk department


    Project team members


    Project manager

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P456-由项目经理确保风险管理计划开展。


    A project manager is working on a five-year, US$200 million project. Procedural document management is listed as the sponsor’s main requirement, prioritized even above the design itself. After identifying key deliverables in the form of documented designs, the project manager contracts a document controller. In this case, what plan is the key component of the project manager's risk management plan?


    Requirements management


    Cost management


    Resource management


    Quality management

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    A vendor notifies a project manager of a potential delay in the delivery of a module. What should the project manager do?


    Immediately notify the stakeholders.


    Modify the project management plan by adding additional days and record their impact on project time.


    Review the risk management plan to assess risk and then notify the relevant parties.


    Complete the assessment of the impact of the project and update the project management plan.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(11)P453,“可能”是本题关键词,应定义为一个风险。风险识别,要先分析、制定应对策略。


    The project manager leads an experienced team of functional staff and consultants who release a promotional version of a successful product that must be released in time for a unique national event. What should the project manager do when developing a risk management plan?


    Use risk coexistence methods to deal with project risks, as this product version will be transient


    Perform Expected Monetary Value(EMV) analysis to determine the probability of success


    Use the risk checklist in the initial product release


    Brainstorming risk with the team to identify risks

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P403-规划风险管理过程输入组织过程资产。包括以往类似项目的信息、模板等。 选项A:规划风险应对过程-消极风险应对策略-接受。选项B:实施定量风险分析过程。 选项D:识别风险过程


    A project manager is working on an internal project that requires a new point of sale(POS) transaction system.The project manager discovers an issue with the system that may not only delay this project,but also a number of other projects dependent upon this system. This issue was not include in the risk register,because previous trials deemed the system free of flaws Who should the project manager contact about this issue?


    IT department


    Sponsors who were affected


    Project managers who were affected


    Operations team

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A 

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:项目团队工作需要的交易系统有问题,由系统运维责任部门-IT部门负责解决。


    A project manager is notified that a software developer for a critical section of code will be out of the office for three weeks. This task is not part of the critical path. What should the project manager do next?


    Continue with the tasks as stated in the project schedule


    Apply the responses described in the risk register


    Secure a backup resource with this skill


    Check the contingency plan

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P450,非关键路径的资源变动,应先检查风险登记册是否已识别此风险并作出了应对措施,如有则实施。


    Due to personal reasons, a project team member informs the project manager that they will be out of work for two weeks. This team member is the only resource who can perform a critical-pat task. What document should the project manager update first?


    Work breakdown structure


    Risk register


    Human resource management plan


    Project schedule plan

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P453,团队成员通知PM将不能满足原定的工作时间,这个资源是关键路径上的唯一资源。一旦失去很有可能会影响整个项目的进度,属于不确定性,PM首先应该更新风险登记册。

    60、[单选]在执行一个处于落后于进度风险的项目期间,项目经理了解到,某个项目提前完成,公司中技能最高的资源将可用。项目经理坚持让该资源立即分配到他们的项目团队,期望为项目带来积极影响。 项目经理应用的是什么策略?

    During the execution of a project that is at risk of falling behind schedule, the project manager learns that the company’s most skilled resource will be available from a project that finished early. The project manager insists that the resource be immediately assigned to their project team, with the expectation of a positive impact on the project. What strategy did the project manager apply?









    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D。 解析:PMBOK(6)P444- 开拓。如果组织想确保把握住高优先级的机会,就可以选择开拓策略。此策略将特定机会的出现概率提高到 100%,确保其肯定出现,从而获得与其相关的收益。开拓措施可能包括:把组织中最有能力的资源分配给项目来缩短完工时间,或采用全新技术或技术升级来节约项目成本并缩短项目持续时间。


    During the planning process, a project team identifies a risk of quality non-conformance prepares an action plan for this risk. To avoid non-conformance during project execution, the project manager should do which of the following?


    Risk assessment


    Risk mitigation


    Risk prioritization


    Risk transference

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A。 解析:PMBOK(6)P419,识别到风险后,要避免项目执行过程中出现问题,在执行过程组实施风险应对前,应该进行风险评估。


    A key resource requirement for a project subcontractor is a technical expert on a manufacturing process.During the early stages of the project,it becomes clear that the subcontractor's staff has inadequate expertise to meet the quality standards. What should the project manager do?


    Update the risk register.


    Appoint a subject matter expert(SME)to ihc project team


    Perform a quality audit of the subcontractor.


    Review the contract for any relevant penalty clause.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P409,供应商的员工能力不够,是隐患,应当成风险记录,即识别风险。


    A project manager is leading a global virtual team.During a weekly project status meeting,the project manager realizes that two team members from different locations have been working on the same assignment,rather than separate assignments as planned What should the project manager do next?


    Retrain the entire team on the staff assignment tool and update the project schedule


    Revise the risk register to show this impact on the project management plan


    Notify project stakeholders that this will impact the project schedule


    Inform the project sponsor and update the resource management plan

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A project manager is following the risk management plan for a $200,000 project. One of the risks proposed in the plan has made realize And The project manager implements the plan as outlined, however,they are concerned that some outcomes have not been considered What should a project manager do?


    escalate the issue to the stakeholders for a decision


    Use expert judgment to obtain other perspectives


    Employ brainstorming techniques to choose a solution


    Perform a sensitivity analysis to understand the outcome of the risk response

    正确答案:B 你的答案:D

    解析: 实施风险应对:工具与技术 专家判断 在确认或修改(如必要)风险应对措施,以及决定如何以最有效率和最有效果的方 式加以实施时,应征求具备相应专业知识的个人或小组的意见。


    Failures are reported after a third-party vendor delivers a project component.The project manager applies a contingency plan with the vendor’s support.To ensure the effectiveness of the risk response,what should the project manager do?


    Update the risk register.


    Conduct risk audits.


    Update the statement of work(SOW)to include the response.


    Perform a vendor performance reassessment.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析: 审计 风险审计是一种审计类型,可用于评估风险管理过程的有效性。 风险管理过程的有效性以及风险应对措施的有效性,都可以通过风险审计来验证。PMBOK457页第一段说的风险审查即风险审计。


    A project manager is leading a project to deliver new reporting product to a large number of agencies. This project must adhere to legislative changes. What should the project manager do to ensure successful delivery?


    Brainstorm with the team to devise a risk mitigation plans


    Identify and document the project’s risks and necessary success criteria


    Meet with stakeholders to communicate the schedule,budget and cost impacts in the event


    Ask a vendor to submit a plan for system support, training and disaster recovery

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A Company hires a project manager to coordinate an agile project with tight deadlines, The project managers and the agile team are all managed by a portfolio manager who has a tendency to reassigned developers to other urgent items as needed, when approached by the project manager , the portfolio manager is adamant that they have the authority to more required, what should the project manager do?


    Raise this ad an issue in the issue log


    Update the risk register


    Escalate it to the portfolio manager's supervisor


    正确答案:B 你的答案:A



    In a large-scale project, the project manager decides that transferring a risk to a vendor is the best risks response, during project execution,the project managers learns that the vendor is no longer financial capable of covering the risk due to internal problems,It will take three weeks for a new vendor to be appointee. What should the project manager do?


    update the risk response plan to "avoid" by halting work


    Meet with stakeholders to review the response plan and discuss increase the budget to accommodates the risk


    Proceed with project work


    Review existing safety measures and control and assess the possibility of risk occurring

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D



    A Quality oversight occurs, and the additional cost incurred are approved by the change control board(CCB),The probability of further quality issues is high, what should the project manager do?


    Update the risk register in accordance with the risk management plan


    Update the lessons learned repository to ensure that future risks are mitigated


    Create a cause-and-effect diagram to analyze the impact of quality oversight


    Request support from the quality manager

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    During project execution,a project manager noticed that the project management are being prepared using a free trial version of project management software. The project will end in six months.and The team wants to continue using the same software.


    Document that the software is A trial version and continue using the software


    Record that the software is a trial version, inform all stakeholder and purchase the license for the software


    Inform the stakeholders, perform a risk analysis and procure a licensed version of the software


    Perform a risk analysis and reward the team for saving on project expenditures

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    A project team learns of new regulatory laws that may impact the project,the project manager performed a quantitative analysis and identifies a significant financial impact if this risk is triggered .What should the project manager do?


    Update the risk register


    Engage an insurance company to cover the risk


    Influence the sponsor to delay the the law until the the project is completed


    Revise the project budget

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    When researching a project acquisition, the project manager discovers a product that will considerably decrease the time to market and provide future design solutions.However, there is a large the risk involved,as the provider of this product is not yet industry compliant.What should the project manager do next?


    Call the provider and negotiate a contract


    Meet with the development team to discuss next steps


    Implement the risk management plan and the approved actions contained within it


    Ask the project management office (PMO) for approval to proceed

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    The project manager starts a project in an area with unstable weather conditions that may cause a delay in the project schedule,The project sponsor asks the project manager to eliminate all possible threats to avoid delay penalty. What should the project manager do to fulfill the sponsor’s request?


    Execute an agreement to transfer ownership and liability of the threat to A third party


    Hire additional inspectors to ensure that all standards are followed


    Ensure all resources understand the possible project threats


    Accept risks by acknowledging the threats and establishing a separate contingency budget

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    During a planning meeting for a soccer field construction project, the team decided to conduct a site survey to determine the ground conditions before engineering the design. What risk management process is the team implement?


    risk planning


    Risk identification


    Risk analysis


    Risk response planning

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:11.2 识别风险 识别风险是识别单个项目风险以及整体项目风险的来源,并记录风险特征的过程。 实地勘察,只能发现风险,属于识别风险。


    A project manager learns that there are resources that have been assigned to the project without their awareness. After investigation,the project manager discovers that the resources were legitimately require What should the project manager have done to avoid this miscommunication?


    Personally created the resource management plan


    Updated the procurement and cost management plans


    Clearly defined and communicated the roles and responsibilities of each resource


    Revised the communications management plan

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:本题为沟通问题,虽然题干中提到了组建团队的问题,但提问时直接指向“沟通不畅”,沟通问题,找沟通管理计划。


    A project manager sends out regular status reports to all stakeholders with bulleted lists of project accomplishments, upcoming objectives,and and current challenges. However, some stakeholders still complain that they do not and understand the project’s status, What should the project manager do?


    Contact those stakeholders to and understand their concerns, and follow the change request process prior to implementing changes.


    Distribute a new,more-detailed status report to those stakeholders.


    Ask those stakeholders to review the communications management plan and provide them with an updated status report.


    Meet with those stakeholders and the project team to provide a more-detailed project status update.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P379沟通问题 ,前半句是让相关方对沟通安排提意见,即了解沟通需求。


    A project manager is planning a new multi-company project that has several stakeholders per company. What communication method should the project manager use?









    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(6)P374-多名相关方需要获取信息,最好采用拉式沟通,统一发布信息,让相关方主动从信息源获取信息。多个公司参与,说明地理位置有差异,交互式沟通的成本较高,可行性低,故选C。


    A project manager plans to deploy a global project in one month. However, several managers have contacted the project sponsor indicating a lack of awareness of project deliverables. What should the project manager have done during planning?


    Conducted a project impact analysis, scheduled activities, and taken actions


    Reviewed project charter to clarify scope


    Scheduled weekly risk review meetings


    Identified project stakeholders and included them in the communications management plan

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D。 解析:缺乏对于可交付成果的认识,属于沟通问题,选项D属于沟通相关的工作。


    A stakeholder complains that notification of the project’s delayed delivery was not receive What should the project manager have done to prevent this?


    Updated the requirements traceability matrix


    Reviewed the communications management plan


    Reviewed the risk management plan


    Updated the stakeholder register

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P379-10.2相关方“未收到”通知,属于信息传递出现问题,事先应该审查沟通管理计划。


    During project execution, a team member regularly complains that some information is not provided on a timely basis. What should the project manager do?


    Check the team member’s performance history.


    Initiate regular information meetings with all team members.


    Hold a one-on-one meeting with the team member


    Review the communications management plan.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D。 解析:PMBOK(6)P387,信息没有及时的提供,是沟通出了问题,应该审查沟通管理计划。


    An IT team sent out information on how to access a new tool adopted for project communications,Now, some stakeholders are asking questions that lead the project manager to believe they are not leveraging the new tool. What should the project manager do?


    Abandon the new tool and revert to previous methods for communicating updates


    Resend the information on how to access the new tool


    Discuss these concerns with stakeholders and offer to provide training on the new tool


    Meet with the IT team to obtain ideas on how to enforce the use of the new tool

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:10.2 管理沟通 相关方不利用新工具,可能是态度问题或能力问题,先确认问题,并提供培训。


    A project manager is working on a high-profile public works project with a diverse and engaged group of stakeholders.The public sector of stakeholders is very concerned,as this project directly impacts their community.,What should the project manager use to communicate with this stakeholder group?


    Push communication


    Interactive communication


    Stakeholder notifications


    Project reports

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B



    A geographically dispersed team working on an IT project find themselves overwriting each others’ code and sometimes working on the same features The Scrum master is assessing ways in which they can promote more consistent communication among team members to avoid these issues. What should the Scrum master do?


    Hold a sprint review


    Convene a retrospective


    Schedule a daily stand up


    Develop a task allocation system

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    A stakeholder disagrees with the monthly status report and asks the project manager to personally inform them of the project’s status on a weekly basis. What should the project manager do first?


    Modify the form and frequency of the status reports to accommodate the stakeholder needs


    Seek agreement with the stakeholder to manage their expectations


    Review the stakeholder engagement plan to revisit the stakeholder needs


    Meet with the stakeholder to explain the details of the status reports

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    A Project manager of a geographically distributed team schedules a virtual release planning meeting. The project manager is surprised when all team members from a specific region are absent from the call. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?


    Scheduled the meetings farther in advance


    Required Mandatory participation in the meeting


    Checked the availability of team members before scheduling the meeting


    Replace global resources with local team members

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    To assist with critical decisions making, the customer would like to receive more frequent technical project updates. What should the project manager do?


    Invite all technical leaders and customers to participate in project update meetings


    Escalate the request to the project sponsor


    Follow the communications management plan


    Ask each technical leader to send the reports to the customer

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C



    Some internal stakeholders complain to the project manager that they are unable to properly perform their tasks as they are not receiving required project update. What should the project manager do first?


    Ask the stakeholders to identify ways to obtain project updates independently


    Change the mode of stakeholder communication


    Increase the frequency of project updates


    Review the communication management plan to ensure that all stakeholders are included

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D



    A new project sponsor habitually misses weekly status meeting and frequently visits functional manager to discuss the project’s, status,meeting minutes are regularly sent, but appear to remain unread What should the project manager do next?


    Instruct the functional managers to refrain from discussing project status


    Send the communication management plan to the sponsor


    Resend the weekly meeting minutes to the sponsor


    Organize a one-on-one meetings with the sponsor

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:沟通问题,新的发起人不接受当前沟通方式,应调整。A很负面;B:沟通管理计划是项目团队内部的沟通指南,描述将如何规划,结构化、执行与监督项目沟通;C. 重复无效工作。


    A multicultural project team is geographical distributed, This causes challenges, since close communication is key to the team、successful performance, what should the project manager do to minimize team miscommunication ?


    Schedule daily virtual conferences


    Establish and review the project dashboards


    Send daily project status report


    Check in with the team daily via email

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A



    A project manager is leading a complex cross-cultural project with over 600 team members located in different countries. A few members from one of the countries are unable to understand what is going on during the daily stand up calls. What should the project manager do?


    Update the communication management plan


    Revise the stakeholders engagement plan


    Focus on the storming stage of team building


    Emphasize the performing stage of team building

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    91、[单选]一位项目经理正在领导一位位于三个不同国家的多元文化项目团队。最近,任务延后变得很常见,团队成员经常发生争论而不合作。 若要减少潜在的冲突,并改善团队沟通和交付,项目经理应该怎么做?

    A project manager is leading a multi-culture project team based in different countries. Recently, task slippage has become common, and team members often argue rather than collaborate. What should the project manager do to reduce the urperlyin conflicts, and improve team communication and delivery?


    Set up a weekly realignment meeting with an approved virtual tool to ensure full team participation.


    Schedule a conference call with each team, and conduct a team-building exercise.


    Email team members encouraging them to work together.


    Escalate the issue to senior management.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析: 虚拟团队 虚拟团队的使用能带来很多好处,例如,使用更多技术熟练的资源、降低成本、减少出差及搬迁费用,以及拉近团队成员与供应商、客户或其他重要相关方的距离。虚拟团队可以利用技术来营造在线团队环境,以供团队存储文件、使用在线对话来讨论问题,以及保存团队日历。BC都是分别进行不解决问题,D还没有必要。

    92、[单选]一个项目落后于进度,并超出预算。由于相关方压力增大,项目团队是在高压下工作,这导致了质量与生产经理之间的冲突,每一方都为项目延误和成本超支而指责对方。 项目经理应该怎么做?

    A project is behind schedule and over budget. As a result of increased stakeholder pressure, the project team has been placed under serious duress. This causes a conflict between the quality and production managers, with each blaming the other for the delays and cost overruns. What should the project manager do?


    Meet with both managers, and ask them to immediately and end the conflict to avoid negatively impacting the project.


    Discuss the situation with the stakeholders, and follow their suggestions for dealing with the conflict.


    Meet with the managers' supervisors to discuss possible actions.


    Refer to the team charter for guidelines on how to deal with this conflict.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析: 人际关系与团队技能 成功的冲突管理可提高生产力,改进工作关系。同时,如果管理得当,意见分歧有利于提高创造力和改进决策。假如意见分歧成为负面因素,应该首先由项目团队成员负责解决;如果冲突升级,项目经理应提供协助,促成满意的解决方案,采用直接和合作的方式,尽早并且通常在私下处理冲突。A虽然是面对,但属于强迫措施,题目中没有看到紧迫性,另外强迫是迫不得已的选择。C相对更好。

    93、[单选]项目经理识别到一项需要特殊知识的任务,但团队成员都没有这方面的知识,项目经理认为即将开展的项目也会出现类似的情况。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

    The project manager identifies a task that will require special knowledge but none of the team members have this knowledge. The project manager believes a similar situation will occur in an upcoming project. What should the project manager do next?


    Prepare a training session for the team, taking into consideration cost and time.


    Ask the client to modify deliverables that require this special knowledge.


    Replace members of the learn with more experienced individuals.


    Submit a change request to modify the project scope.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A。 解析:PMBOK(6),P336。团队没有特殊知识或技能处理项目任务时,应积极处理,采用培训的方式提升团队的能力。BCD均不恰当,A更合适。

    94、[单选]一项批准的项目变更将需要一名IT部门的专用资源。该资源的经理没有空提供批准,但马上需要该资源以确保项目保持进度。 项目经理应该怎么做?

    An approved project change will require dedicated resources from an IT department. The resource’s manager is unavailable to provide approval, but the resource is needed immediately to ensure that the project stays on schedule. What should the project manager do?


    Assign the new work to existing team members.


    Seek guidance from the project sponsor.


    Tell the resource to start working and get approval when the manager is available.


    Refer to the change management plan.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的318页9.1.3.1资源管理计划-获取资源;项目经理目为获取资源,首先应用到沟通,如果承诺的资源无法满足,且超出项目经理能力范围的,应选择上报。


    Before approving a team member's request for an urgent leave, a project manager needs to ensure that scheduled activities will not be delayed What should the project manager first review?


    Responsibility assignment matrix(RAM)


    Resource calendars


    Resource breakdown structure(RBS)


    Project schedule plan

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D



    A project manager hires resource to develop website.The resource abruptly quits without completing the work,and the project manager must hire another resource to complete the jo The newly hired resource changes the website’s design,which overrides the original design. How should the cost associated with the first resourced work be described?


    Indirect cost


    Direct cost


    Sunk cost


    Variable cost

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:pmbok6的357页9.6.3.1控制资源输出-工作绩效信息:另一位资源更改了网络设计,且覆盖了原有设计,第一位资源的工作在目前节点成为无效工作,所花费的成本不再计算。

    97、[单选]项目经理A认识到需要额外资源来按时完成项目,并请求项目经理B提供资源方面的协助。 如果项目经理B同意,应审查哪一份文件?

    Project manager A realizes that additional resources are required to complete their project on time and asks project manager B for assistance with resources.If project manager B agrees, what document should be reviewed?


    Project staff assignment


    Resource calendar


    Project organization chart


    Team performance assessments

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P322-资源日历显示每种资源的可用工作日和工作班次。


    The reassignment of personnel will cause a project delay. What should the project manager do?


    Consult the staffing management plan.


    Initiate a change request.


    Acquire a new resource.


    Revise the project schedule.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A。 解析:pmbok6的358页9.6.3.3项目管理计划更新-资源管理计划:重新分配人员可能导致进度延期,可以通过谈判、招募等获得资源,应该参考人员配备管理计划。人员配备管理计划:说明将在何时、以何种方式获得项目团队成员,以及他们需要在项目中工作多久。它描述了如何满足项目对人力资源的需求。


    A project manager needs to acquire team members from various functional managers. What should the project manager use?


    Resource calendars






    Skill mapping

    正确答案:A 你的答案:B



    Two team members refuse to participate in the same project together. Participation of both team members is necessary to achieve project goals.What should the project manager do to ensure that both team members work together to obtain project charter sign-off.


    Encourage team spirit between both members,and obtain support form their functional managers if neede


    Refer both team members to the team charter,and obtain support from their functional managers if neede


    Encourage both team members to obtain support from their functional managers.


    Encourage the team members to resolve their conflict.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B




