- 在此致敬每一位在疫情期间付出的医务工作者和默默无闻的基层志愿者
整理来自公众号' JenniferCook'
- 默哀三分钟 observe three minutes of silence to mourn for the deceased
tank (熟词僻义)
- 表示“表现得很糟糕,快速减少,衰落,下跌”,英文解释为“If something such as a stock price or a movie tanks, it performs very badly, for example because it loses a lot of money.”举个🌰:
- Tech stocks have tanked.
- 科技股票暴跌了。
1)作名词,表示“(表册上的)位置,项目”,英文解释为“a position or an item on a list”举个🌰:
- The company is seeking a stock exchange listing (= for trading shares) .
- 这家公司正在争取上市。
2)list作动词本身就可以表示上市(to make a company's shares available on a particular financial market)。
equate to
表示“相当于;等于”,英文解释为“to be equal to sth else”举个🌰:
- A $5 000 raise equates to 25%.
- 提薪5 000元相当于增加了25%。
equate表示“将…等同于;等同于”,英文解释为“If you equate one thing with another, or if you say that one thing equates with another, you believe that they are strongly connected.”举个🌰:
- I'm always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority.
- 我总是提防着穿制服的人,因为我将其等同于权力及权威。
quarter (熟词僻义)
- 表示“(士兵、服务人员等的)营房,宿舍,住房”,英文解释为“[ pl. ] rooms that are provided for soldiers, servants, etc. to live in”举个🌰:
- We were moved to more comfortable living quarters.
- 我们搬进了较舒适的住处。
- 表示“(尤指能提供帮助、信息或作出反应的)个人,群体”,英文解释为“a person or group of people, especially as a source of help, information or a reaction”举个🌰:
- Support for the plan came from an unexpected quarter.
- 支持这一计划的是没料想到的一方。
- 表示“(士兵、服务人员等的)营房,宿舍,住房”,英文解释为“[ pl. ] rooms that are provided for soldiers, servants, etc. to live in”举个🌰:
branch out
- 表示“朝新的方向拓展;涉足(尤指新工作);扩展(业务)”,英文解释为“If a person or an organization branches out, they do something that is different from their normal activities or work.”举个🌰:
- I continued studying moths, and branched out to other insects.
- 我继续研究飞蛾,同时也开始研究其它昆虫。
- 表示“朝新的方向拓展;涉足(尤指新工作);扩展(业务)”,英文解释为“If a person or an organization branches out, they do something that is different from their normal activities or work.”举个🌰:
break away from
- 表示“(尤指速度竞赛中)甩掉”,英文解释为“to move away from a crowd or group, especially in a race”举个🌰:
- She broke away from the pack and opened up a two-second lead.
- 她甩开所有其他赛跑者,以两秒领先
- 表示“突然挣脱;逃脱”,英文解释为“to escape suddenly from sb who is holding you or keeping you prisoner”举个🌰:
- The prisoner broke away from his guards.
- 犯人挣脱了看守
- 表示“(尤指速度竞赛中)甩掉”,英文解释为“to move away from a crowd or group, especially in a race”举个🌰:
- 不及物动词,表示“碎步疾跑”,英文解释为“When people or small animals scuttle somewhere, they run there with short quick steps. ”举个🌰:
- Two very small children scuttled away in front of them.
- 两个很小的孩子在他们面前迈着又碎又快的步子跑开了。
- 及物动词,表示“破坏(计划、提议)”,英文解释为“To scuttle a plan or a proposal means to make it fail or cause it to stop.”举个🌰:
- Such threats could scuttle the peace conference.
- 这样的威胁可能会破坏和平会议。
- 不及物动词,表示“碎步疾跑”,英文解释为“When people or small animals scuttle somewhere, they run there with short quick steps. ”举个🌰:
- 表示“充满的(尤指充满令人不快的东西)”,英文解释为“( literary ) full of sth, especially sth unpleasant”举个🌰:
- His voice was soft, yet laden with threat.
- 他说话的声音很柔和,但充满了恐吓的语气
- 表示“充满的(尤指充满令人不快的东西)”,英文解释为“( literary ) full of sth, especially sth unpleasant”举个🌰:
blend into
- 表示“融合到(背景)中”,英文解释为“to look so similar to the background that it is difficult for you to see it separately”举个🌰:
- He blended into the crowd.
- 他消失在人群中。
- 表示“融合到(背景)中”,英文解释为“to look so similar to the background that it is difficult for you to see it separately”举个🌰:
overwhelm /ˌəʊvəˈwɛlm/
1)表示“(感情或感觉)充溢,难以禁受”,英文解释为“to have such a strong emotional effect on sb that it is difficult for them to resist or know how to react”举个🌰:
She was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt.
2)表示“压倒;击败;征服”,英文解释为“to defeat sb completely”举个🌰:
- They were overwhelmed.
- 他们被完全击败了。
3)表示“压垮;使应接不暇”,英文解释为“to be so bad or so great that a person cannot deal with it; to give too much of a thing to a person”举个🌰:
- We were overwhelmed by requests for information.
- 问讯使我们应接不暇。