熟知: 双方要交换自己的偏好,自己感兴趣的了解到信息
关怀: 关心可以强化关系( 可以知道对方是知道,了解,甚至是欣赏自己的)
相互关联: 我们不断融入对方生活
信任: 信任可以让彼此更佳包容
承诺: 建立信任的方式就是给予承诺
secure style of attachment 稳重的人会有正向的印象
ambivalent attachment 没有安全感的人不确定或者不可靠
avoidant atyle of attachment 很难建立亲密关系,无法取得信任
#没有安全感其实会传染,你不相信我,所以我不相信你,我们之间也没有不安全感,解决办法就是两个人可以在一些事情有约定,生气怎么样,冷战怎么样,利用XYZ 理论把问题讲清楚:今天有件事... 我因为谁的原因....情绪....,我的想法是....。
extraversion 外向,且害羞的conscientiousness 独立的
agreeableness 合作的,相信别人,但是自私的,有敌意的neuroticism 担心,焦虑,愤怒
The most fundamental assumption about interpersonal attraction is that we are attracted to others whose presence is rewarding to us (我们建立亲密关系只是因为我们在亲密关系中可以获得奖赏)
Two different types of rewards influence attraction:
* noticeable direct rewards*
eg : they are witty and beautiful, we enjoy their pleasing characteristics. (人畜无害的脸,性格好,其他善意行为就都是加分)
* more subtle indirect benefits*(更多是深处性格魅力,认知能力,哲学根基)
Attraction does involve the perceived characteristics of the person who appeals to us, but it also depends on our individual needs, preferences, and desires, and on the situation in which we find ourselves. (天时地利人和还有你我)
靠近: 近水楼台先得月,物理距离越近的人越可能建立亲密关系(靠的近就是方便‖ 距离就是成本)
物理吸引: 一见钟情就是看脸
相似性: 态度和价值 ‖ 个性
相异性: 你会成为我未来想成为的人,我可以为了未来的相似放弃现在的相似
*Proximately is rewarding, distance is costly*
What Kind of Similarity?
First, there’s demographic similarity in age, sex, race, education, religion, and social class。
Then there’s similarity in attitudes and values.
Finally, partners may have similar personalities.
小结:Thus, because proximity often leads to familiarity, and familiarity leads to liking, frequent contact with someone not only makes interaction more convenient, but also may make that person more attractive
*mate value,* 就是对方的外表吸引乘以对方对你的接受程度
*balance theory*。 人们更能接受去喜欢那些喜欢自己的人,对那些不喜欢的人就会不喜欢
we tend to like someone when we learn that he or she shares our dislike for someone else
Matching Is a Broad Process
Women don’t need to be as concerned about their partners’ youth because men normally retain their capacity for reproduction as long as they live(女性寻找伴侣需要在生产养育期间有能力照顾她们)
要这样的:prefer powerful, high-status men with resources ,女性还就爱找比自己年龄大的
the more intelligent a woman is, the lower her desire is for wealth and status in a romantic partner .
Discovering Dissimilarities Can Take Time
According to Bernard Murstein’s (1987) stimulus-value-role theory,
Dissimilarity May Decrease over Time
opposites don’t attract, but some opposites may gradually fade if a couple stays together for some other reason.
The influence of time and experience is also apparent in fatal attractions
You May Be the Person I Want to Become*
The operation of similarity lies in our attraction to others who are the sorts of people we want to become.
The most appealing partners of all may be those who are similar to us in most dimensions but who *fit our attainable ideals in others
We like responses from others that help us reach our goals.
two reliable form :two partners dominance and submission they want (我们是彼此的互补色)
* their partners to heed their advice;
* when people need help and advice, they want their partners to give it Effective, desirable complementarity can take time to develop.
personal growth and novel activities are both rewarding, so we like people with interests that are different from .
障碍: 爱而不得
Romeo and Juliet effect(青少年现象:越阻止两个人越反抗
The theory of psychological reactance states that when people lose their freedom of action or choice, they strive to regain that freedom.
the closing-time effect
* Another kind of barrier occurs every night when bars close and everybody has to go home. (门禁)
it appears to be another case of desired-but-forbidden fruit seeming especially sweet. (越要分离的时候难舍难分)