swift 学习(6)Properties

swift 学习(6)Properties

作者: 三十一_iOS | 来源:发表于2017-02-27 22:57 被阅读15次
    • 实在无法用自己的语言表示出来,以后就当是读书摘录吧。

    • Properties are variables and constants that are part of a named type.
    • Stored properties allocate memory to store a value.
    • Computed properties are calculated each time your code requests them and aren’t stored as a value in memory.
    • The static keyword marks a type property that’s universal to all instances of a particular type.
    • The lazy keyword prevents a value of a stored property from being calculated until your code uses it for the first time. You’ll want to use lazy initialization when a property’s initial value is computationally intensive or when you won’t know the initial value of a property until after you’ve initialized the object.


    === 是比较引用指向的地址是否一致。
    == 是比较值是否一致。

    stored properties

    struct Car {
      let make: String
      let color: String

    Values like these are called properties. The two properties of Car are both stored properties, which means they store actual string values for each instance of Car.

    • Default values
    struct Contact {
      var fullName: String
      let emailAddress: String
      var type = "Friend"

    computed properties

    Some properties calculate values rather than store them; that means there’s no actual memory allocated for them, but they get calculated on-the-fly each time you access them. Naturally, these are called computed properties.


    • Getter and setter


    struct TV {
        var heigth : Double
        var width : Double
        var diagonal : Int {
            get {
                let result = sqrt(heigth * heigth + width * width)
                let roundResult = result.rounded()
                return Int(roundResult);
            set {
                let ratioWidth = 16.0
                let ratioHeight = 9.0
                heigth = Double(newValue) * ratioHeight / sqrt(ratioWidth * ratioWidth + ratioHeight * ratioHeight)
                width = heigth * ratioWidth / ratioHeight


    While a stored property can be a constant or a variable, a computed property must be defined as a variable
    Type properties

    However, the type itself may also need properties that are common across all
    instances. These properties are called type properties.

    实例。 这些属性称为类型属性。

    使用 static 修饰。

    struct Level {
      static var highestLevel = 1
      let id: Int
      var boss: String
      var unlocked: Bool

    Property observers


    Lazy properties

    If you have a property that might take some time to calculate, you don’t want to slow things down until you actually need the property. Say hello to the lazy stored property. This could be useful for such things as downloading a user’s profile picture or making a serious calculation.

    如果你有一个属性可能需要一些时间来计算,你不想减慢的事情,直到你实际需要的属性。 向懒惰的存储属性打个招呼吧。 这可能对下载用户的个人资料图片或进行严重的计算有用。

    struct Circle {
      lazy var pi = {
        return ((4.0 * atan(1.0 / 5.0)) - atan(1.0 / 239.0)) * 4.0
      var radius = 0.0
      var circumference: Double {
        mutating get {
          return pi * radius * 2
      init (radius: Double) {
        self.radius = radius

    Key points

    • Properties are variables and constants that are part of a named type.
    • Stored properties allocate memory to store a value.
    • Computed properties are calculated each time your code requests them and aren’t stored as a value in memory.
    • The static keyword marks a type property that’s universal to all instances of a particular type.
    • The lazy keyword prevents a value of a stored property from being calculated until your code uses it for the first time. You’ll want to use lazy initialization when a property’s initial value is computationally intensive or when you won’t know the initial value of a property until after you’ve initialized the object.



          本文标题:swift 学习(6)Properties
