1. 创建一个空的git仓库,用于存放spec文件
2. 创建需要分享出去的git代码库
3. 使用如下命令进行发布
pod repo push IRSpecs IRMonitor.podspec --source='https://github.com/iOSRunner/IRSpecs.git' (发布到私有库)
pod trunk push IRMonitor.podspec (发布到官方库)
4. 引用时在Podfile中增加source地址
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' #官方仓库地址
source ‘https://github.com/marklin2012/O2Specs.git’ #私有仓库地址
pod spec lint --sources='git@our-private-spec-repo:iOS/Specs.git,https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs'
* podspec文件书写时source_files或vendored_frameworks一定要有一个。
It seems that you forgot to include a source_files definition (or vendored_frameworks if you are making a closed-source pod). You should add a line like the following to your podspec :
详见:Podspec validation error - File Patterns: The spec is empty