为了在这个不确定的时代培养社会联系并提供参与和反思的空间,我们提供了传统叙事医学小组工作的虚拟版本,通过Zoom live。
我们使用的工具叫做医疗缩放,最近在哥伦比亚大学欧文医学中心推出。Zoom for Healthcare是一款符合HIPAA、PIPEDA和PHIPA的视频会议软件,具有安全、实时加密的消息传递。我们对这些课程有一个高级的注册程序。我们感到遗憾的是,这增加了一些步骤和一点先进的计划来参与,但保持公共空间的安全是我们的首要任务。
*更新报名流程* 6月8日(星期一)开始的会议,您将在报名时收到确认信息和链接。请确保保存此信息以供会议时使用。您可以在15分钟内进行注册。
Check our blog for additional details. Each session will be led by trained narrative medicine facilitators and will offer group connection and reflection through a text, image, or music for up to 100 participants. Groups will read and examine the work closely and discuss what we see, with the facilitators offering guidance and background. There will be opportunities for reflective writing and sharing what is written. We hope these hourlong sessions might offer a moment of solace and space, along with an opportunity for reflection and connection with others. If you have questions, or would like to schedule a personalized narrative medicine session for you or your team, email us at narrativemedicine@cumc.columbia.edu