
作者: 碓碓碓 | 来源:发表于2017-05-04 20:31 被阅读0次

    1.first public outing 第一次当众露面

    After all the fuss that surrounded its first public outing, it transpires that no one was very interested in wearing Ivanka Trump’s “favourite bangle.”

    it transpires that 人们知道....


    2.part with cash付钱

    At least, not when it came to parting with $10,800 for the diamond bracelet worn by the US president’s second child and unofficial political aide on primetime television last November.

    unofficial political aide非正式政治助手

    primetime television黄金时段电视节目

    3.fold into the main line 融入主流

    Last week, it was announced by the brand’s new president Abigail Klem (who stepped into the role in January) that the aspirational, fine-jewellery collection of which this bracelet was a prized example will henceforward be folded into the main line and made more accessible.

    Henceforward=from this time on

    Step into the role 上任 the help of  a marriage counsellor寻求婚姻顾问的帮助

    Counsellor to the president 总统的顾问

    The Ivanka Trump brand has many admirers. Kellyanne Conway, counsellor to the president, has shown a passion for her boss’s daughter’s “wonderful” brand so intense that she has been accused of violating federal ethics laws in order to encourage folks to “go and buy her stuff”.

    An intense passion极度的热情

    federal ethics laws联邦道德法

    eg.And federal ethics laws do not apply to the president, as Trump has pointed out.


    5.ascension to power掌权

    It’s tempting to read this as yet another woe in the catalogue of ills that have befallen the brand since President Donald Trump’s ascension to power.

    Woe betide sb灾祸降临到...

    6.dwindle consumer interest 不再吸引消费者

    In the wake of dwindling consumer interest and a social media campaign, #grabherwallet, encouraging shoppers to boycott stores carrying Trump-related products, the brand seemed to have taken on the irremediable whiff of toxicity.

    In the wake of 随...而来

    Irremediable whiff of toxicity 致命的毒药 [无法补救的灾难的征兆(toxicity毒素)] one’s way挡住某人的路

    The family-owned business is seeking a permanent injunction barring Ivanka Trump goods from sale in California.

    Take out a court injunction 取得法院强制令

    8.bust=a completely failure

    So, is brand Ivanka Trump a bust? Not likely, you metropolitan, liberal, latte-drinking snowflakes

    9.Offload unsold apartments 脱手未售公寓

    Yes, the east coast metropolitan elites have been offloading their striped cotton shirt-dresses, Hopewell Mini Chain Crossbody bags and Karita Lace-Up Block-Heel Sandals by the sackful. But, elsewhere, the brand is booming.

    Pour in by the sackful (成袋地)大量地涌来

    lace-up block-heel sandals 系带坡跟凉鞋

    crossbody bag 斜挎包

    10.ecommerce aggregator电商平台

    According to The Hollywood Reporter, ecommerce aggregator Lyst reported that sales of Ivanka Trump increased 219 per cent in one day in early February, and have surged in the past six months.

    11.the skyrocketing costs of health care暴涨的医疗费用

    In particular, the brand’s inventory is skyrocketing on second-hand resale sites such as ThredUP,where demand for Ivanka Trump-branded products in conservative cities such as Houston in Texas is massively outstripping the rate at which more liberal-minded coastal-dwelling urbanites are purging themselves of them.

    inventory liquidating减少存货

    A outstrips B A超过了B

    Purge one’s mind of anxiety消除内心的焦虑 令人快乐满足的

    The business of fashion, accessories and especially jewellery is built on the basis, like those of cars and houses, that they are imbued with various life-enhancing qualities.

    13.chicer (原形 chic /ʃiːk/)更时髦的

    A certain brand’s clothing will make you seem stronger, chicer and more sophisticated. into a brand 购买某个品牌的产品

    By buying into a brand, so the retail culture has it, we buy into a society of similarly-minded sophisticates who share our values and wallet size.

    15.pitch ... at the highest echelons of luxury 把...定位成最高级的奢侈品

    Currently, there’s a trend for new labels launching themselves into the marketplace to pitch themselves at the highest echelons of luxury, with starting prices reaching into the hundreds, and big-ticket items costing several thousands.

    big-ticket items

    16.asymmetric satin twill floral wrap-dress不对称缎斜纹碎花裹身裙

    Hence, fans of Victoria Beckham who may not be able to afford the designer’s asymmetric satin twill floral wrap-dress, which retails for £1,995 in her Mayfair store in London, are now able to buy a black floral satin dress for the far more accessible price of $40 from the range she has just debuted for the American retailer Target.

    17.partner with high-street retailers与大街上的零售商合作

    Most brands recognise that their survival depends on partnering with high-street retailers in collaborations that will bounce them into a broader market.

    bounce them into a broader market  为他们开拓更广阔的市场

    18.aspire to sth追求...

    She can jangle that $10,000 bangle as much as she wants, but it seems the only people who aspire to her brand of gilt-lacquered, super-shiny luxury are the ones who can’t afford it.

    gilt-lacquered, super-shiny luxury镀漆的、极其闪亮的奢侈品

    a jangling bangle叮当作响的手镯



