The arithmetic

The arithmetic

作者: mamat | 来源:发表于2022-04-25 20:09 被阅读0次

    1. The definition of the arithmetic square root, the definition of the number taken by the square root, and the arithmetic square root of 0 is 0.2. By learning example 1, a rule is concluded: the larger the number of squares taken, the larger the corresponding arithmetic square root is. 3. After example 1, you can complete the exercise on page 41, how to find the square root of a non-negative number.

    2. By exploring whether two small squares with area 1 can be formed into a large square with area 2? I did not directly say the answer, but let the students learn to explore the content, hands-on. I looked around the classroom and found that half of the students had not finished the hands-on part. I felt that the children's hands-on ability was too poor. After guiding them to see the following reminder, or I direct mouth guidance, soon some students mastered the aspects of the puzzle success. By exploring, I put forward a question: what is the side length of a square with area 2? Again, I have the students stumped. So the area is 4. What's the length of each side? The area is 16. What's the length of each side? Area is 2. What's the length of each side? How do I represent that? Guided a lot, finally some students want to remember. How big is the square root of 2? Students study by themselves and then discuss. I believe there are still some students who do not know why, and repeatedly cited examples to illustrate. The students just contact, really difficult. They can't get around it. If they don't understand it, they won't be interested in learning more.

    3. The relationship between the number of squares taken and the arithmetic square root: The number of squares taken increases by 100 times, the arithmetic square root increases by 10 times, and vice versa.



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