

作者: dbabcebde3a5 | 来源:发表于2017-04-13 12:41 被阅读245次


My honey, the house  I bought before I married you belongs to me for ever. No matter how many years you have been with me, and no matter how many years you will be with me, I do not care. You do not make day-dream to make bargain with me! The house we bought after marriage, only half  belongs to you according to Laws. All the money we saved after marriage, only half belongs to you, too. I'm fair enough and kind enough, or I will give you a big egg. You should be thankful to what I did  for you.

So here my will is: the whole house that I bought before marriage, and half of the house we are living in now, plus half money we save will be donated to... let me think,  if I can find somebody in my life even a little better than you. Sucks, I can't find anyone. Maybe I can donate to my kid,wait...my kid belongs to you, too. If I donate to my kid, that means  all will belongs to you at last. I hate this result... Let me think harder...  I found one...haha..haha. Can you imagine whom I'm going to donate to?  I'm smart. It is the dog, even I do not really like dogs. I think my marriage life with you for years is worse that living with a dog. Honey, so sorry,  I must donate all my belongs to the dogs.

However, my honey,  don't forget the last thing: after my lawyer donated all my belongs to the dogs according to my will , you do not forget to donate me to the dogs, too. I do not want you to have me either!!





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