
作者: 03ba3a5b361c | 来源:发表于2016-04-15 09:30 被阅读0次

23 a+b

specialty 特性  specialize in 专攻

The designer specializes in luxruious evening gowns 该设计师专攻豪华晚礼服设计。

mouth-watering appetizers 令人垂涎的开胃菜

short-term 短期的    long-term

She is taking a short-term leave to visit her sister for two weeks.

corporate adj. 公司的,企业的;全体的,共同的[our ~ responsibilty]

He is in charge of corporate finance. 他掌管公司财务

The charity campaign sucessfully promoted its corporate identity [公司形象].

heavyweight  (those who have a lot of power to affect)

表原因的句式 with [noun1] like [examples of noun1]--[subject] + [verb](结果)

With classic songs such as "Amazing Grace"--the choir's performance this evening will certainly delight the audience.

health and wellness[健康]

economic downturn经济下行

24 a+b

expecting mom 孕妇

on a regular/monthly/daily basis

I exercise on a daily basis

吃药!! take medicine/vitamine


eat the soup [用勺喝]

drink soup [用杯喝]


My knees weakened when I got up on stage to give my speech. 

And the listy gose on

There's always so much to do during the holiday season: Presents to buy,decorations to put up,parties to plan,acticities to attend--a                                      nd the list goes on.


A seafood diet is the best, because whenver you see food, you eat it~~


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