Battered, soaked and flooded, the Philippines is being hit by its 2nd typhoon in a week.
Batter=continuously hit
Soak= completely wet
Source: stray dogs in the animal shelter are trained into search and rescue dogs.
A few years ago they were thought to be useless- past their prime- no tnow!
Past their prime
I feel creative, active, I am still in my prime.
A 7-year child,15-year girl are before their prime.
If you are breathing, it is not too late. Get up and get going.
Using it is instead of it's to emphasis.
Dictation 19
A 67-year-old grandpa has been found alive after being stuck for /fur/ 6 days at the bottom of a ravine.
Stuck=in someplace, you can't leave.
We are stuck in the meeting. We are stuck in traffic.
Dictation 20
Saturday, an ultralight plane crashed into a Ferris wheel at a rural festival in Australia, yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plane was hurt.
Ferris wheel

the opposite of rural= urban. rural: few people, not much happening.
somehow= magically