
打开C:\user*\document\下 的,报错文件(.hmx)如下:
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 5 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
*IF,_CDRDOFF,EQ,1,THEN !if solid model was read in
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 6 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
_CDRDOFF= !reset flag, numoffs already performed
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 7 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
*ELSE !offset database for the following FE model
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 11 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 671720 -- No ET card defined for the Element.
1 1 1 1 0 0 504 0 10 0 186466 256334 258395 258711 257611 272957 279414 275236 275237
279416 275235
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 671725 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
EXTOPT,ATTR, 0, 0, 0
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 671726 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
EXTOPT,ESIZE, 0, 0.0000
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 671727 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 671743 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
DMPSTR, 0.00000000
** File: D:/program_test/bishe_bianpo/HyperMesh/cdb data from ansys/meshed5-9.cdb, Line: 671757 -- The Keyword listed below is currently unsupported
其中No ET card defined for the Element.这一条错误,出现了几十万条。其余均只有一条错误。