马太福音 6:5-15
唱诗:赞美诗 47:6
我们每天都在犯罪,这一现实必然使我们非常谦卑。我们应该像保罗一样承认,我们都是“罪魁”(提前1: 16)。在这样的谦卑中,我们才能与那些得罪我们的人或在对神的服侍上有亏欠的人靠近。
思考问题:爱与惩罚的关系是什么?(见启示录3:19 —— 凡我所疼爱的,我就责备管教他。所以你要发热心,也要悔改。)
February 8
Matthew 6:5-15
Song: Hymn 47:6
“But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."(Matthew 6:15)
The fifth petition in the Lord's Prayer is rather remarkable.It seems that God's forgiveness of us depends on our forgiveness of our debtors. How can God's actions ever be determined or altered by our actions?
Of course,God's actions are never determined or limited by our actions. The Lord is sovereign and does what pleases him, regardless of how we act. But in the Lord's Prayer, our Savior teaches us something very important. If we wish to receive forgiveness from God, we must learn to forgive others the sins committed against us.
We must note that the only petition the Lord Jesus lifts out of the prayer and repeats is the one about forgiveness. This means that the matter is very important. If we have been forgiven, it is then absurd that we refuse to forgive those who have sinned against us.
The verb "forgive"in the passage for today is written in a tense indicating a completed fact that is ongoing. We have forgiven and we will forgive. A one-time act of forgiveness does not suffice because forgiving is a constant effort.
We fall into sins every day again.This reality must render us very humble. We should confess, as Paul did, that we are "the worst of sinners"(1 Tim 1:16).In this humility, we approach others who have sinned against us or fallen short in their service of God.
Question: What is the relationship between love and discipline? (See Revelation 3:19.)