Learning Log: August

Learning Log: August

作者: 开水的杯子 | 来源:发表于2017-08-21 13:57 被阅读9次

Week ending 9/1/2017

Goals (8/25):

  • Get another PR into Blueprint (e.g. #1409 )
  • Understand how Blueprint simulates click, keyboard, and react prop/state change events with Phantom JS.
  • Understand reselect, mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, connect, and anything else that comes up from work.
  • Review how CSS works and how to cleanly decompose less.



  • Enzyme is a React test mock framework.

Week ending 8/25/2017

Goals (8/21):

  • Understand basic testing frameworks whatever Blueprint uses
  • Understand basic gulp with yarn
  • Work on Blueprint's datepicker or dnd
  • Write a post on CORs


  • Fix up the rate-limiter library
  • Help out with side projects

Retrospective (8/25)

Goals were a bit too aggressive. Ramping up on a new team + extra stuff is a bit rough during the week. I will probably try to substitute DB reading group for Blueprint hack night.


  • Merged 1 PR into Blueprint.
  • Learned a bit about karma, chai, phantom, and some basics about Webpack.
  • Reading group discussion about Spanner.

Things to review from work:

  • React/Redux createSelector

If the Redux state tree is mutated in a way that causes the value of an input-selector to change, the selector will call its transform function with the values of the input-selectors as arguments and return the result. If the values of the input-selectors are the same as the previous call to the selector, it will return the previously computed value instead of calling the transform function.

  • PureComponents vs ConnectedComponents in react / redux
  • Docker
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
  • CSS (less) selector specificity and flexbox

Unexpected surprises:

  • Some good interview questions to think about: Skyline builder, integer translation, validate BST.

Week ending 8/14/2017

A few things that I got better at this past week:

  • Basic JS
  • ES6 features
  • Regex
  • Promises / Bluebird
  • Making babel work
  • Mocha and basic JS testing

A few things to pick up on:

  • lodash and extra language features

A few things to study:

  • Webpack
  • Front-end testing / Selenium
  • Front-end UI testing / Storybook
  • Immutables

Interesting things to work on

  • Write a rate limit decorator library.
  • Write a polling with exponential backoff library.


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