

作者: 幻想症患者 | 来源:发表于2017-02-24 17:44 被阅读9次


Plug one ‘s ears while stealing a bell

A long time ago ,a people see a bell on someone else’s gate, the bell is so beautiful and deeply attracthim , he don’t hold back it’s temptation , then , he decide steal the bell .

but the bell are loud if touchit by hand ,the host will discoverand such a thing or do not be found better. he think it over again . eventually , come up a goog idea , if plug my earsI will not hear . “I am so clever”he said laughingly “ the bell is mine”

a dark and stormy night , he wear the bestblack clothes , because he think only this clothes can mate the perfect bell .he walk on the road ,just to think the bell will belong to heself make him very happy .he could not help speeding up the pace .

he went to the front the gate, suppress the inner excitement , made a few deep breaths , then ,slowly step by step close to the bell .

Finally to the place where can touch thebell . he was trembling with excitement , trembling to plug his ears andcatching the bell , the miracle appeared , night is silence , no sound ,whereupon ,he got the bell and caught by the host.


  • 2017-10-29


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