20190315 pitfall

20190315 pitfall

作者: angelqi_b03a | 来源:发表于2019-03-15 14:35 被阅读0次



    n. the pitfalls involved in a particular activity or situation are the things that may go wrong or may cause problems. 隐患,陷阱,圈套  usu pl(常用复数形式)

    a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action, or activity.




    1. A used car is indeed a bargain, but there can be many pitfalls associated with the purchase of one.

    2. Many freelancers favor working at home because it saves rent and reduces commute time. However, pitfalls of this practice abound.

    freelancer n.自由职业者

    3. We should be wary(小心,警惕) of cognitive pitfalls.

    4. I started to blog about English learning because I wanted to warn other English learners of common pitfalls.



    A lawyer's mission is to use his professional skills helps their clients avoid the pitfalls of laws. (自己)

    A lawyer's job is to use his expertise to help his clients to avoid legal pitfalls. (参考翻译)

    分析:专业技能 expertise  法律陷阱 legal pitfalls



    Promotions on the shopping websites tend to have many pitfalls which lure you into buying more than you want.



          本文标题:20190315 pitfall
