1.仪式感有多重要?虽然海哥之前说,什么订婚结婚仪式都是形式,不重要,我在这两大活动中感受到了从两个人到两个家庭的进步靠近,然后拉越来越近了两人的关系。两个人慢慢地更加了解、接受对方,就连我自己的脾气和心态都更好了。两人最近的状态也很好,所以早上起床时,我告诉他“这就是为什么我不想离开这个城市跟你分隔两地,以后我在别的城市你能接受吗?为什么你之前说我可以去别的城市工作?”答曰:因为我不想耽误你。That is love.
2.There are always linking dots in life or in other things. It's just that we have not found them yet. For example, the topic in each unit can be linked. Disability+robots+undersea animals. That's really amazing that I can figure it out. Fantastic thing and wonderful experience today!